Anyone else permadyel?

anyone else permadyel?
>lifted for copious amounts of time
>still looks like a guy that only does football and pushups
>not big
>not skinnyfat
>nothing at all limbo

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>no pain no gain
There is a reason they say this. Youre literally too stupid to lift some weight. Try harder faggot.

I'm premadyel but that's because I never manage to lift for more than a few months in a row. Nobody to blame but myself (and this time, the quarantine for shutting down my gym (but really just myself)).

do you want help or do you want to be a sad cunt about it?

More like permaloser

How can you be a traveling baker? You need an oven to bake bread. Is she selling stale old bread?


Its possible she purchased the bread to take home with her you brainlet

Maybe she went to the bread store and is now walking home.

Football players are big though


Feeling bad for yourself is for women and children. its best if you don’t entertain those thoughts, they dont help you.

if you want to be more muscular you need to eat your ass off until you have momentum. Im not talking about eating chicken and rice and milk like a bodybuilder, im telling you you need to eat as much as you fucking can every day until you start to blow up.

ive gone from 120 to 200 then down to 185 and every time i couldnt gain weight i had to eat my ass off. you will probably have to force feed yourself to the point of vomiting a few times, but thats not a big deal. sometimes you have to force your hand and do extreme things to bring about change.

Be smart about it. your health is important, but being young allows you to get away with a ton of shit with little to no repercussion.

>lifting for 5 years
>still small
>still not 1/2/3/4
>don't look like I lift, despite going to the gym at min. 4 times a week every day for 5 years (some weeks 6-7 times)
>still surprisingly stronger than most men I meet on every day basis, just because most men are weak as shit and don't care about lifting at all
The only mires I ever got were from people who needed something from me, or face mires from girls who wanted to fuck me

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Judging by the clothes she is selling something besides bread

can i just take a few spoons of oil? i dont have anything that is good for bulking at home besides milk which im out of.

>Feeling bad for yourself is for women and children.
But that's 9 out of 10 threads on this board, and we're men!

EAT, JUST FUCKING EAT, HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO GET BIGGER WITH NO FUEL, Literally every fucking strongman and body building EATS, how hard is it to eat 3kcal fucking dumb niggers

1234 is only easy if you're over 6ft

6ft is basically standard everywhere in europe though mutt

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Care to elaborate about the logic behind it?

user, i want you to understand that i amtrying to help you, so when i say this its not to make you feel bad, but rather help you understand.
eating oil is retarded.
You have to eat your ass off to gain weight. every meal your stomach is going to hurt until it doesnt. you have to try really fucking hard to eat food when you are not hungry to teach your body to be able to eat more.
doing easy things like eating oil is not conducive. its hard for people in your position to gain weight, so you must be comfortable with doing hard things every day.
ill spell it out for you further
breakfast: 4 eggs, toast, milk, vegetables, and fruit
lunch: meat, pasta, milk, vegetables
dinner: meat, potatoes, vegetables, milk
snack: peanut butter protein shake with fruit and whole milk

eat until you are not hungry, then keep eating. when you start to gag, keep eating. when you vomit in your mouth, you swallow it and finish your meal. repeat that for all meals and about two weeks and you will have gained weight, and gaining future weight will be easier.

Try a cut and check out what you look like at 8-10% body fat. It might change your perspective.

Zig Forums is an echo chamber for misfits and insecure people who choose to perpetuate their abstractions about frame and height and a bunch of other trivial bullshit so they can feel better about not improving.
dont listen to anyone on here. why even listen to me? you dont know who i am. you dont know my achievements in health and fitness. i could be some fat mouthbreathing pencil neck from r9k that comes here to shitpost. who fuckin cares

ill go buy all that food on monday then, thanks for being patient with me

this mindset can be good at first if you are struggling to eat in a surplus but i've realized also that lean bulking is the most based, and finding the perfect balance of getting your muscle gain then cutting off the calories is ideal. otherwise theres just too much fat at the end of the bulk so you cant bulk as long. but ik what you mean the bigger you get the bigger appetite you have to build up

Believe in yourself and dont let the negativity you read here influence you. find an irl mentor you can do fit things with.
you can do it user.

user stop being fucking retarded. FOOD is good for bulking. pay attention to your macros and it really doesnt matter that much. i mean yeah its better to do it properly, like potatoes/rice with protein, veggies, sauce for sodium and olive/vegetable oil for fats but like nigga just eat more fucking food if you arent gaining weight. dont overthink it nigga. just get your protein and EAT. KEEP FUCKING EATING MORE NO MATTER WHAT. if you can't gain weight always stay full. its ideal to lean bulk and not be a complete pig but if you struggle with gaining you need a drastic shift in mindset

Lean bulking is a retarded ideal you can only achieve when you want to basically just maintain and only slightly improve. there is no reason anyone who is lifting for less 2 years should be at that point

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yea i agree.
there is a reason beginners have train differently than experts, and the same applies to diet.

you've been half assing shit retard.

>4 times a week every day
Try 3 times a week every day

post body

>Try 3 times a week every day
um hello based department?

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a yeast infection