>big dick >over 6 feet height >muscular with low BF >strongest pound for pound natty in the world >elite genetics >long ring finger short index >deep voice >big wrists big hands >high IQ >high social skills >attractive face >broad shoulders >thick neck thick jaw >granite chin and heavy handed >good with kids >head full of beautifull curly hair >perfect skin perfect skin >acess to apemode
you cant compete give daughter and wife now just bow to your king
its 7.7 inch yes between 1920 manual workers men it was average and even small but on todat standars is fucking massive most of you dont even have 7 inch wrists i havr long forearms that why it looks small, there is no way you can cheat curl heavy without big wrists this galaxy gayass phone makes me look pretty small
Kevin Hernandez
Don’t forget >dead uncle
Brody Scott
pretty based if you ask me shame about sucking that dick tho
>big dick THE ONE IN YOUR MOUTH YOU FAG??? >perfect skin perfect skin from all of the cum on it? >strongest pound for pound natty in the world you sure do know about POUND for POUND dont you >thick neck thick jaw too easy man just leave
Owen Perry
>low body fat don’t do that
Adam Jackson
Looks like you pissed your pants from the thumbnail lol
Nolan Jackson
because they will have the image of my muscular build and protuberant bulge for weeks or months if can be, i will never scape their minds and i will rape them at dreams, be teacher be school girl be school boy, once you see a picture of myself, you listen my grunts or watch my nudity, its over for you my testosterone levels have been boosted and yours plummeted
Carter Campbell
>testosterone levels have been boosted yeah but how do you know? or are you just making it up.
Mason Miller
Eastern europe will conquer the world
Based balkan chad keep making these westerners seethe
Ian Bennett
because instead of praying god you feel like one day, you will beat him
Grayson Morales
what the fuck are you talking about
Ian Martin
yes remember this whitoids, your women will be raped and your men castrated
>albania >a part of eastern europe or balkan culture you wish
Adrian Gray
They're 50% sandnigger but still higher caucasian dna than It*ly Br*tain G*rmany etc
Also low iq brother wars mindset
David Gray
you will never understand you are a low test bitchboy u have no will no drive no rage no pain no hate you have anything you are a nobody man you watch yourself in the mirror and u see what? nothing absolute nothing, walk down the street and people see nothing, you dont even believe yourself, and you make questions instead of searching for an aswer yourself you are fucking weak and i can smell it from miles distance you dont want to conquer and never will and its not on your dna to
Parker Williams
Based Boris
Caleb Gutierrez
i will never understand because you literally don't know how to write in english
Liam Roberts
post SS
Aiden Bailey
>brother wars shut the fuck up commie
Isaiah Rivera
you dont understand becoz you are a pussy with no purpose thats y
Dominic Bailey
t. westoid
Camden White
>long ring finger short index post fingers
Ryan Miller
i don't understand because you are literally unable to answer simple questions
Wyatt Gutierrez
You look poor tho
Oliver Sanders
>that little dicklet >big oh boy
Owen Johnson
that's still pretty small for todays standards friend. 'big' is 8 inches plus
Jackson Gutierrez
I'm mirin'
Ayden Gonzalez
>long ring finger short index What's that about?
Andrew Green
The irony is that in boasting about these traits you have shown yourself to lack possession of the most desirable virtue: humility.