Anybody else dealing with this?
I'm 27 and 2 or 3 years ago I suddenly started sweating like a fat guy. If I go outside my armpits usually look like pic releated within 5-10 minutes.
I didn't change my diet. I've been lifting since 6 years. I take 100-200mg of caffeine a day, but even during periods I didn't I kept sweating.
My armpits are shaved and I use two layers of deodorant. I would appreciate any tips.
Sweating like there is no tomorrow
1. Do you do cardio?
2. What is your diet?
3. Height/Weight
4. Supplements?
Sweating is a normal thing normal people do when exercising
I get warm very easily and being in a room that's moderately warm makes me have gnarly sweat patches, meanwhile everyone else in the room is fine.
I have the same issues.
It’s annoying when it’s bit warmer weather and I sweat like a fatty while the other people look like they don’t sweat at all.
it probably has to do with how much deodorant you are using
1. No, should I start?
2. I don't count calories, but typical fit retard diet, lots of green vegetables, milk and average amount of meat
3. 5'9 70kg
4. I don't use any other than protein powder
Maybe I should've clarified it in my OP, I am sweating like that if I just go outside to visit someone. I literally always have to take 2 fresh t-shirts with me whenever I go somewhere.
I know a guy who loves long distance running, does 10k+ races basically every weekend. He's skinny but sweats like a beast the moment he starts doing any excersise. My theory is that his body is so used to periods of indurance that as soon as he starts moving it thinks 'ok time to ramp up for a long run' and kicks into maximum sweat mode. Could be something similar if you've been working out for many years.
Everyone should do cardio user.
> lifting for 6 years, 5’9” 70kg
Whut? Post body!
Exactly. At home I am fine, since I always keep my room temperature below 19 if possible, but most other places have it at 22-24, which kills me
I'm using pic releated and another one to spray
What do you mean? I also tried only using one of them and not using any for a period of time
I haven't been lifting constantly due to health issues, I just wanted to clarify that it didn't start when I started lifting
>tfw framelet
Do you think doing cardio would help?
It's pretty normal to start sweating more as you age. Sweating is generally just a process that cools you down, your body doesn't know about the issues our society has with bodily fluids, and sweating more isn't inherently bad. Stress and mental illness can play a big role. I use a antipersipant spray with 20% aluminium chloride in it, that basically clogs up everything for a week.
>I use a antipersipant spray with 20% aluminium chloride in it, that basically clogs up everything for a week.
Can you tell me which one so I can give it a try?
enjoy dat dere alzheimer‘s
I always have a window open pretty much at home, this year i had mine open nearly all winter too. I use 48-72 hour antiperspirant, the same thing baffles me when i see people lifting in hoodies.
I use Odaban, but there's probably a bunch of similar products
Same shit. I don't what it depends on, sometimes it can be hot as shit in the summer and won't be sweating much, or during winter when I have like 3 layers on and my t-shirt is barely wet. Then other times I could just be sitting at work with wet armpits.
Lets hope its worth it
Look up hyperhidrosis. Depending on how severe your sweating is there are several methods/routines that may relieve your symptoms to a certain extent, but probably not to a point where you feel it is "normal".
For me, cardio helped a big deal, since your pulse rate is lower in general, so you won't break into a sweat as easily. Also get checked by a doctor to eliminate other potential triggers.
Good luck user!
The studies are pretty inconclusive and we don't really know how this stuff works. I don't think there's a huge risk involved and if there is, I think having stress relief by not having to obsess about my pits is probably worth it. Since this stuff is so strong, the skin also gets kinda used to it and you don't need much of it after a while.
Thanks, I guess I will have to start picking up cardio
same OP. it’s random too. I’ve actually found that when I apply deo/antiperspirant, I have the wet marks on shirts, but I’ve experimented and gone without applying anything and I’m dry. only things is I’ll start smelling like BO midway through the day. it makes me question what the fuck I’m doing wrong.
have you gained weight? Bodyfat increased?
I did gain a decent amount of weight when I started lifting the first time 6 years ago
Since then I gained/lost a little, but never more than 6kg
I also never increased my bodyfat by a lot
> I haven't been lifting constantly due to health issues,
Don't you think it would have been pertinent to include these health issues in your OP?
Pls describe said health issue, also pls detail any drugs you take (prescription and recreational)
I've got problems with my tendonitis, don't know the english terms for it, but I don't take any medications, just keeps me from lifting when it gets bad, I don't think its related to my sweating issue
Estrogen. Sounds like you're having hot flashes
I used to sweat a lot in my early 20s. Only in social situations so I attributed it to social anxiety. Grew out of it eventually.
Not OP but
Yes, almost daily. Running is my thing but occasionally I hit the heavy bag
Diet is clean, no sweets besides fruit in unreasonable amounts, no dairy except Greek yogurt once a month or so. A lot of organ meat tho, probably 500g a day
191 cm tall 90kg
Only protein if it counts, and not daily since I eat so much meat. Used to take creatine like 2 years ago, but never really felt the effects.
Thing with sweating is I've always been a sweaty fuck. Even as a kid, i would be the only kid sweating whenever we played.
See your doctor, he/she will most probably prescribe you something for hyperhidrosis. I got something called Dridase, solved my problem after 1-2 weeks.
What kind of doctor should I see for that?
Your body is retaining unnecessary water and trying to get rid of it.
Doing cardio will correct it
Also, I assume you started masturbating more which is mostly unrelated but can contribute
Just see your general practitioner, he/she will refer you to a specialist if necessary.
Thanks, I will definetely start doing cardio, even though I hate it
>Also, I assume you started masturbating more which is mostly unrelated but can contribute
I tried doing nofap for a month and it didn't do anything, somewhere some coomer even suggested I should be fapping more. It also didn't change anything, despite that I'm now into sucking off futas
Seeing a general practitioner in my country is currently a huge pain in the ass and I visit specialists privately anyways (which means I dont need to be refered) so I would like to skip that part
try goldbond powder instead of stick deodorant
Stop talking out of your asses fuckwits. You have no idea what OP is talking about.
I have this condition too. I sweat x10 of morbidly obese fat as fucks. When I use a very potent product on my armpits, front of my shirt gets soaked. And yes cardio and losing excess body fat helps but within the confinements of my own extreme situation.
first stop using random deodorants and antiperspirants, these actually made me sweat even more
you have to get some legit preferably prescribed medical antiperspirant that is applied before u sleep
if not prescribed, then try antidral or similiar, it worked for me but im allergic or something because it itched after few days of constant usage but was dry af and generally worked