Let’s see your home gyms

The nation has seen a massive closure in all public gyms And, we resorted to lifting at home , let’s talk shit, rate my gym

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Anyone have an outdoor home gym? If so, is rain a problem or does gym equipment hold up to it alright?

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Homemade racks, some pl8, small room to hold manlets in, adjustable poor man dumbbells and stationary bike not in a pic.

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Dude I doubt you wanna put your equipment through that , atleast throw a tarp over it if you have to. I had that dilemma too but I ended up keeping everything inside
Nice I tired getting a bar and weights , shits expensive and I’m out of work for the time being cuz of the lockdown

I like this bench and cardboard under equpment, dony you have larger pl8?

Classic big man home gym

That's mine

Please tell me these are joke/meme pictures.

75kg deadlift, you stole the gym equiptment from people who actually need it

>Manlet room xD
5”10” big boy reporting in , How tall is that ceiling , Do you store Pure manlets(5”0 to 5”7) or any user under 6”1”

I usually go to gyms, and lately I have been long distance running to drop weight , but now after getting a nice job I wanna look good (business casual everyday type employment)this is a few items that I have gathered throughout the years , I know it’s not much but I feel proud of it , It’s a gravity edge, and I have a pull-up bar not in the picture I figured I’d just go all out with high rep and calisthenics and maybe after the lockdown I can go back to lifting at a gym

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Got about 180kg of iron, unfortunately dont have a 7ft bar tho so stuck with a 6ft

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what the fuck xD

I've been working from home for almost two months now. I resorted to doing four sets back to back (a superset if you like) every hour: 12 shoulder push presses, 12 shrugs, 12 squats, 12 deadlifts. All with a DYEL weight dumbells. After a full day's work I have a combined workout and even if it is much less effective than a real workout I do feel sore and tired so there's that.

Im serious about mine , gotta drop 20 pound for now that’s the goal

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I assembled all my engineering expertise, to create this masterpiece

its really something

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based caveman

That wood or metal ? Can’t really tell

This looks awful. What's keeping the bar from rolling over? 0.3 inches of the nail head sticking out? Same with the safeties. There should be something to keep it from rolling over.

Looks like you live in a house that possibly has a meth lab.

can get the dumbbells up to 26.5 kgs each

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That squat rack is about 6"3, i'm 6"2 you have comparision

why would the bar roll over? It's perfectly straight

Live in the green woods of Gloucestershire mate, no meth here.

momentum from right after you finish the set

you get tired and walk away, it rolls over and fucks up your floor

nah it doesn't roll over.
I've used this thing for two weeks now and it's no issue if I put the bar down carefully

Ok be safe

I can do deadlift, squats, and OHP and bench, just gotta move stuff around. Got an EZ bar too for bicep/Tricep work, so I think my set up is pretty solid for basic work

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omg that must be old I have one of those body weight systems in the 9-'s cant remember the name.

be-careful user. I use that setup to load my easy curl bar on and I have had it tip forward with only 90lbs on the lower catch bars.