So, Chads make everyone around them feel good and lift them up, right? Do they also do that with woman?
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why not?
Yup, that's why they're popular.
yes. being a Chad is not just looks,but also mentality and behavior.
The greatest men I've ever met were always happy and loved making people feel good. This is partly why they are successful with women
a true chad is a complete package, looks, personality, success
basically everything that everyone wants
>tfw a cornelius
who came up with the name "chad"? Because that's probably the dumbest fucking 90's name ever.
All american names are ugly and meaningless.
most american names are straight out of the bible
Demarius and Rasheed aren't american. They are nigger names
was "alpha" better?
How do you explain the "introverted brooding badass with a dark tortured past" trope, that women seem to gush over? Genuinly curious. Is an alpha male still and alpha male, if he isn't interested in leading and inspiring others around him? I'd argue he is, because he follows his own path.
I thought women will just take it as the guy wants to bang me and us thirsty.
Yeah, but thoses come off as cringe "I'm a lone wolf" irl
In term of romance, the 10/10 omega has an absolute advantage over the 10/10 alpha, he is mysterious and unpredictable, perfect for the drama that girls cherish. This mostly applies for movies and books.
Because women think they can "save" them. Reminder that they're ALWAYS handsome, tall, elite at killing and surviving and are passionate about their goals.
Ok lets use some science here to answer this question, the five main personality traits universally found in all people.
>Neuroticism: How much you overthink which leads to anxiety.
>Agreeableness: How much empathy and help you give to others.
>Conscientiousness: How much discipline and preparedness you have.
>Extraversion: How much time you spend with other people and like it
>Openness: How willing you are to try new things.
Now, out of these, the only ones that matter in terms of having sex with women are LOW Neuroticism, HIGH Extraversion, and HIGH Openness. Both agreeableness and coscientiousness are irrelevant in creating opportunities to meet a woman, being attractive to her, and having the balls to approach and fuck her.
In other words, how moral and good of a person you are, and how hard working and organized you are, mean NOTHING either way to a woman and how fuckable and sexual she finds you.
This is about personality only, in terms of looks it has been shown it is best to be as low bodyfat as possible.
BTW this also explains some extreme cases like when women just fall into criminals' laps, but then turns blind eye to some physically perfect man who hits the gym every day, diets, sleeps, is charitable and nice, and earns $100k.
It is because in those 2 scenarios, more than likely the convict, despite his low agreeableness and conscientiousness, is very extroverted, tries new things, and does not hesitate to act. Meanwhile, the white collar, law abiding, bodybuilder struggles with girls, because despite his self percieved "attributes" (money, good will, and discipline) the reality is women care little for those, and where he is deficient (he is an introvert, very anxious and neurotic, very rigid and traditionalist) women care for the most in those areas.
I hope this has made sense to you, you would be wise to study these traits in yourself and improve them if need be, assuming your goa is short term casual sex, for LTRs the traits are perceived differently but so will you (provider vs guy who fucks her, you get it).
Women love that shit in fiction but will never go for byronic heroes in RL. Nobody actually wants to be around a grumpy sadsack with baggage
thats only in movies and games brah
irl they're called creeps
slayer ascended iq post senpai thbqh ngl
IRL you need an 11/10 face to pull that off.
Ok, pajeet
Lesson learned in life :
Never try to help losers or social outcasts to get better at life and improve their selves, two things can happen
Either they have such loser mindset that they will always go back to how they used to be
Or they will get full of their selves and become too cocky
Just try to be chill with everyone and don't give or receive too much info form people
t. got bullied in high school and graduated a virgin
Not true. You can definitely get away with that if you're actually good looking enough and an actual alpha.
The problem is most of the kiddies who describe themselves as such are just try hard edgelords who try to build up this "tortured dark past" routine as a cope for how they're too shy and spergy to deal with people. People see through the act.
If it's legit it's a different story.
Hmm. This does make some sense to me. A hot body does make a difference, but a lot of seemingly good traits such as having money, being hard working or doing things out of good will have a neutral impact in how women perceive you. Even being funny, which I think it's extremely overrated. If she perceives you as hot anything you say is funny and if not the most hilarious punchline falls flat. The personality traits you mentioned, from what I've seen, seem to have a bigger impact.
What? No.
You think I’d sweet talk a pillow or my phone for “doing such a great job”?
I lift up my friends, not women.
I've met at least one who could hold down relationships and at least one that slept around and with the girls friends and stuff
So the answer for most of you will just depend on what you want to believe the most
thanks bro
Yes, the problem most guys have is that the mix and match what is attractive to a girl in a long term monogamous relationship vs short term casual sex or fuckbuddies.
As you said, even comedic skills are a "neutral" at best. And us men equate she laughs with she wants to fuck me, which could not be more wrong. When was the last time a woman said to you:
>Hahaha user you are just SO funny, hahaha, you got my pussy wet with your jokes... I wanna fuck you.
Looks are good to have in any relationship type, though it has been proven they matter more for short term types, and in LTRs women will overlook them about if the guy provides enough money and emotional support.
Women love the tragic angsty brooding guy with a dark past because they want to comfort him. He’s like a hurt baby bird they want to take care of.
>Nobody actually wants to be around a grumpy sadsack with baggage
There’s a difference between a guy with emotional problems, usually caused by childhood trauma, and a guy who constantly whines and bitches about being forever alone.