Another roider btfo
John Meadows Heart Attack
Age 48 btw
I can respect roiding for competitions, but roiding for vain reasons is so fucking dump. I hope he recovers though, he might not be the smartest guy but he is genuinely trying to help people.
bro did you just
I don’t get it, that’s a low CAC scan score...should be good...he was one the the earlier people I heard talking about omega 3 ratios and grass fed beefs
Don't worry, Dr. Greg is working on the case, he'd be back in the gym in no time
apparently covid 19 might be increasing the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks
He lived like a Chad tho. You fags already know he could pump any hoe very easily
Jeff Nippard commented on an Instagram post hoping he gets well soon. seems implied he's doing ok. A heart attack isn't guaranteed death especially if your hospitalized. This dudes been through a ton, literally doesn't have his large/small intestine (don't know which one). A stroke would be a different matter but Meadows should be ok.
meadows is actually a good man, hope he gets out of this
better get it before he wakes up
Probably saw that thread and keeled over.
Heart attack is permanent damage to your heart.
John is going to shrink now, he will be off steroids and off training seriously.
>age 45
He looks like 60+ years old wtf
He does compete
NOO not the heckin mountain pupper! he was so wholesome and le based!
unironically tho I use his warmup routine for squats. Is it any good? I like it, makes me lightheaded and my legs burn.
its worth pointing out he was very smart about his steroid use. getting regular blood tests etc. he has a family history of heart problems tho. both his parents had heart attacks or strokes in their 30s or something
>faggot literally bumped his own thread from last page because he got zero replies
In which case it probably isn't the smartest move to do steroids in the first place. But maybe that's just me.
Shit, Meadows is a good guy. Been subbed to his channel for a long time, and his advice is legit even for naturals. Hope he recovers.
Another fraud bites the dust
C'mon OP, meadows is a god amongst men, play nice.
palumbo will say it had nothing to do with steroids
actually yes.
>he was very smart about his steroid use.
>he has a family history of heart problems
John Meadows is a sweetheart you shitbag.
Both his parents had heart attacks in their 30s so clearly he's got a genetic risk. Made it 20 years past them even with the roids.
I want to add that I really like this guy. He's educated and genuinely nice. And he doesn't fall into the trap of overestimating the quality of exercise and nutrition science. So he offers a good, reasonable mix of "evidence based" and experience/oldschool bodybuilding-based knowledge.
He's probably the source of information I trust the most when it comes to training out there.