High Test

How can I look more manly Zig Forums is it possible without pinning/TRT?

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post face

Not posting but it's oblong with butt chin and Turkey neck

Train neck. Train jaw for a wide jaw, gain weight to widen your face, and ask your barber for a haircut that will suit you more

Nothing to do with test, giga tard.
Its just graceful, beautiful traits.

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Get into martial arts and get punched a lot/roll on the mats. Bruises and cuts will already look manly until your face got rearranged and your ears look gross. Then you're a real man.

False. Roids made my face wider and gave me jaw gains. There's everyone female bodybuilder has a manface.

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Checked someone's IG account pre and post gear use his face shape has changed completely, he looks like an uglier version of gigachad.

High test is actually positively correlated with male pattern baldness. The first face is lower bodyfat and not making a stupid expression, which you can control, and better looking, which is out of your control

>High test is actually positively correlated with male pattern baldness.

Lol. Nice cope.

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Attached: 100% natty transformation.jpg (896x587, 188.06K)

1) lower bf%
2) literally just proper tongue posture

Based and Jockopilled.

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Nope. See She's more shredded on the left, but her jaw is visibly bigger on the right. And this is an anecdote but:

>roid for several years
>have full beard
>everyone comments on how wide my face has gotten
>compare pics from when I was 20 to to now (29) and I my jaw has gotten visibly wider

Tren jaw is real.

well cut the fat off first until you are genuinely lean i mean full scrawny mode then lean bulk and lift hard

is tren+test worth it user? or do you feel if you went off and stayed off you'd just have no test?

True. Get cauliflower ear

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>is tren+test worth it user?
In what way? The gains are phenomenal and I have no side effects, but that's strictly individual. Some people can't handle tren. For me it's worth it because I have no hair loss, low bp, and perfect blood work on tren.

>do you feel if you went off and stayed off you'd just have no test?
I cruize on TRT doses when I'm off, which is frankly smarter and healthier than going completely off, because your body doesn't have to experience the effects of your test and estrogen hitting rock bottom, while your cortisol skyrockets.


If you could change your facial bone structure simply by injecting shit, cosmetic surgery wouldnt be a thing, my man.

"Tren jaw" is caused by the user unintentionally clenching their jaw 24/7 which quickly turns into (yet again, unintentional) proper tongue posture.

Also lower bf%.

He's not wrong

Where should my tongue be?(other than your mothers sphincter)

Autism. Nobody does this. Nobody in real life has heard of mewing.

>"Tren jaw" is caused by the user unintentionally clenching their jaw 24/7 which quickly turns into (yet again, unintentional) proper tongue posture.
Nice broscience. I can tell you've never even seen a tren vial.

But high test can cause hairloss? Wtf

Hairloss is caused by follicle sensitivity to DHT, not testosterone. That's why guys like Arnold can keep their hair while pinning more than half of /fraud/ combined.

Lose weight fatty

as your test increases so does DHT you absolute fucking retard. its just genetic as to whether or not that causes hairloss. but more T makes you more prone. stop just saying shit like some redditor retard to sound smart.

Obviously, you fucking retard. That doesn't change the fact that DHT is not test, or that you can use a DHT blocker like fin to avoid that if you have shit genetics.

I bet if you read this back a hundred times, you still wouldn’t understand why you’ve contradicted yourself. The guy was right in what he said.

that's just someone with low bf vs someone with 20%+ bf

Here. A random image of the inside of the human head. Nothing to do with "mewing".

Attached: C12-2.jpg (1000x1000, 440.07K)

This doesn't make your jaw wider, you stupid faggot.