we are all gonna make it bros
We are all gonna make it bros
Foreverial delittlized
>lol we put mice on keto and they didn't fat heart attack what !>??
Learn to read English, user.
time to throw away my fucking dumbells i guess
What’s the catch?
You turn into a mouse
>leaving humanity behind
Is this what Rich meant?
Is it /fraud/ if you alter your genetic code?
Yes, because it's not integrated into your chromosomes. If you can't pass your gains onto your children it's frauding.
>If you can't pass your gains onto your children it's frauding.
>all gains are fraud
The paper doesn't specify if they set up AAV to integrate into the genome or create an extra chromosome. It's possible that you could use this for germ line transfection
Your genes for muscular development are still there, as are your genes for height and other things. If I get huge because I got an injection of geneseed so I could be a space marine, but my kids will still be born as normal humans, it's fraud.
if everyone is shredded and big as fuck nobody will make the difference, it will all be reduced to the face
>if everyone is shredded and big as fuck nobody will make the difference
yeah and because everyones a disgusting piece of shit that makes your life better right ahhaha
Rope mummified and loving every second!
?? retard
if you are athletic and muscular its easier to get pussy compared to your average dyel joe, if everyone is athletic and muscular it wont make a difference
literal cheat codes
>Your genes for muscular development are still there
Yeah but the work you put into building your body isn't. You can't pass on your physique, so it's fraud.
Your genes for being able to dedicate yourself towards self-improvement and fitness will be passed on. Zig Forums people rarely have fat children, not because they're genetically in better shape, but because the genes that make their brains work properly are still there.
oh I get it you're one of those fat fetishist masturbators.
>There'll be a catch
>It won't be released for use on humans
>It won't work
>It'll be heavily controlled to the point of effective non-existence
>It'll be politicised
>It'll be neutered
Pick as many as you want.
user... I... I think you are mentally challenged
guess what retard, most high quality steroids arent meant for humans
only cares about the pussy
how virgin are you?
What do you lift for then retard?
We all gonna be Big Belgian Bovines, now
making fun of KHVs that only care about trying to get laid and failing; blaming it on their face, society, or the jews and not your shit personality all along
>tfw no primarch geneseed to insert
Damn bad boy, you seem full of hatred lmao, who hurt you buddy? Thought you were gonna say some shit like "I lift for Jesus" or some christcuck shit like that, but this is even more pathetic
Care to explain your idea of a "good" and "bad" personality? Thanks.