You skipping them in quarantine? I kinda did
Looks like you skipped hand day too
nope legs twice a week. Home Gym master race.
>Biking twice a week with hills involved
>Bit of weighted lunges on the same day
It's not a ton, but at least it's something
Bro why do you have tits?
Chestlet cope. Not even OP btw
I don't give a shit about legs but I think I'm doing all right.
I started watching tom platz and now I cant stop this massive quad growth
mirin giant neck
dude nice, what's your routine?
I wish I had visible veins
you should be ashamed
looking thick, solid, tight. Mirin the neck lad
Thanks kings. I focus my training around strength. Start with parallel squats (better for my knees. They're fucked from wrestling, specifically untreated ruptured bursa in both knees. And some other random weird clicks) All I do for leg hypertrophy is deep high bar squats with like 275-315ish. Neck is from wrestling straight up
Good but vestus medialis could use some work. Cycle in a high gear (more resistance)
Is this that cow-eyed motherfucker again?
Strength training is the way to go, I find it more rewarding although I've become a long limb t rex from focusing on powerlifting training and now olympic lifting and neglecting my arms big time. What type of neck exercises do you do? Neck bridges?
nice gyno bro
Post body
375 at home today
How much do you weigh
>that depth
>that form
>those shoes
your tiddies are so big and milky
Nothing wrong with this squat
4 days of OHP, 2 days of zercher squat, and 2 days of deadlift variants. I want to die
>nothing wrong with this squat
Holy fuck i want dyels out NOW
user that's 8 days. Weeks are only 7 days long. What the fuck are you doing, retard
Days can be whatever you need or want them to be.
No nigga that's not how the calendar works. 7-day programs ONLY. GET
I have only been lifting for a couple of months, could you explain what is wrong with his squat?
Would love to see you do it. Imagine caring what I wear in my back yard to squat
There’s not anything wrong with it really, just jealous twinks
>tfw i also lift outside
>ftw some nigger stole my plates and bar
>tfw haven't been able to squat heavy in over a month
Unfortunately I can't squat anymore because I got in a car accident last year which destroyed my back :(
Your shoes are gross.
I don't see anything wrong besides the fact that if that's a shot of him at the absolute bottom he could go a bit deeper to go below parallel. Also you can see from the angle of his ankles that he height /fraud/s with those shoes.
6 2 master race reporting - sorry I wear flat soled shoes and you get offended