
Is there gym etiquette concerning approaching women? How are you supposed to approach them and make your intentions clear ?

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>hey dude nice ass

“Hi, what your name?”

Literally like you would approach anyone else.

“Are you from around here?”

Gets you to the next step of conversation. Doesn’t matter if she says yes/no type answer.

If she says something more than “yes/no” ask her about it.

If it’s a “yes/no” say she’s got a nice accent. That way you can talk about where it’s from. Now you’ve been talking for like 30 seconds so conversation has starred and you’re free to talk about anything.

Make sure you don’t approach mid set and then you’re good to go. This strat worked for me every time.

You dont approach. Ever.

Well shit

This feels awkward and yet, very ballsy

I have literally never attempted this, I don't think i feel confident enough

But i'll try, thanks.

>stop being an incel
>Leave people to workout in peace
Gee user seems difficult

yes, you dont approach, a man is approached by women, if you're not getting any attention then tough luck and back to jerking it to anime

Wait until they're done what they're doing and just talk to them

why the fuck are there women on this board
fuck off roasties

No one will approach a land whale like you anyways

I will post my cock right now bitches

just make small talk about excercise and then feel the waters.
If you're not an autist and can read social cues that's all there is to it.

Okay faggot

"who do you think killed JFK?"

Start screaming at them something about terrible form and "full range of motion", attempt to introduce them to the concept of SS and GOMAD

Youre lucky im in a good mood today. I could literally snap you in half.

> doing my push workout, time for weighted dips
> a chinese girl about 5.5/10 is using the station for assisted pullups
> ask to work in, do some warm up with a 55lbs plate
> she says im strong
> do my main working sets 110 x 8
> starts talking to me a lot and seems interested
> I'm Zig Forums but very ugly (22 year old KHV at thetime) so I think she might be interested
> ask her out later and she says yes
> spend the next few days elated and happy because I might finally escape my shitty incel life
> message each other, she seems enthusiastic again
> meet outside university library on a friday to get some coffee
> hug her and say she looks good (she doesnt hug back which worries me a bit)
> walk around, everything is shut early for christmas and the uni town is deserted
> say it's cold and we should warm each others' hands
> she's not really holding my hand im just crushing hers for the entirety of the date
> end up walking to the oceanside area, it's dark and cold and humid as fuck
> say it's probably a bad timing for a date
> "oh I thought we're just hanging out, not a date"
> fuck
> start walking back, I'm still holding her hand
> she asks if I've been on many dates before
> lie and say 3, I lie well but I think she sees through it
> also says she's never dated herself
> throw the towel in and ask if she wants to go hang out at my place
> declines politely
> hug her again when we're back at campus
> apologize for misinterpreting things, she's quite nice about it
> go up into my dorm room and cry into my pillow
> feel guilty and send her pic related
> still KHV

Anyway the etiquette is to approach if the girl shows interest I guess. Be attractive dont be unattractive like me

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Chiese typically dont hug or hold hands unless they are in a relationship already. Also most chinese girls are still virgin and clueless about dating when they are 20. Its a quite different culture. Also they are quite upfront about these things. If u like her literally just ask if she wants to be your girlfriend and go on a date with you.

t. Used to study in hong kong

>Youre lucky im in a good mood today. I could literally snap you in half.

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dont count yourself out yet
from what you wrote she didnt react negatively
you two just werent on the same page

As they say “For all millionaires, the first million is always the hardest”

Well done user for taking first steps. It may feel awkward at first but trust me it gets easier as you go with more ppl.

Don’t let one bad experience stop you man. Drinking one for you tonight

Literally stop getting this great idea to approach us at our most personal time. Femanons laugh in secrecy at the attempt of men bothering us when we most definitely do NOT want to be approached. Either do it before we start or do it when it's time for us to go.

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I sometimes wonder about this, I've tried making generic small-talk which goes fine and sometimes leads to other things.
I often only find out later they were into me for a while but girls are surprisingly autistic too in conversation and flirting in my experience.

This is true.

We don’t care about your insecurity gossip sessions, and we’re not going to change for you. Get over it.

This thing has been posted before

I'd say wait til she's done with her workout. That way if she wants to say no she doesn't have to deal with trying to avoid you while finishing.

I think Zig Forums might have some regular people who post on it

if she's making it extremely obvious and miring you constantly, making it a point to be in your line of sight, sort of "stalking" you a bit like showing up to the gym every time you do, using treadmills when you do, using weights when you do, using the pool when you do, basically putting herself in your vicinity and hoping you notice her, grow some balls and go chat her up. if she isn't looking at you at all and is only incidentally there at the same time you are every now and then, don't fucking bother her she doesn't like you. If you can't tell the difference between these two behaviors, you're autistic as fuck and never had a chance to begin with.

>a man is approached by women
based incel


>> "oh I thought we're just hanging out, not a date"
what I would have done here is laugh and say "well you thought wrong!" with a borderline arrogant confidence. that's a pretty high tier move tho and pretty risky if you're not great at talking to girls.

her response to your spergtext is a bit hard to decipher. I want to err on the side of saving yourself potential embarrassment and say she's just being polite and has no further interest, and that chinese girls probably have a different and very submissive culture about it where they'll avoid seeming "bitchy" at all costs, but there's always the chance she's leaving the door open and her subconscious still wants the big strong white man to have his way with her.

If I keep lifting eventually they’ll approach me, right?

Hey Zig Forumsfags, looks like it's that time of year again to get off your bloatmaxxed rear ends and take the /sig/ pill. But you don't need to go it alone; join the OFFICIAL /sig/ Self Improvement Discord! Join hundreds of your brothers in improving yourself. Wanna stop fapping? We can help. Wanna shitpost and troll? Kek af. Wanna get serious and deal with those deep personal issues? Go for it king. And don't mention lifting; we are all absolute lifters here.

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>h..hey you from arr.round here?
she says no in an identical accent to yours

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Bro it's simple. First of all don't sweat it because everyone knows all females are submissive to all males. Next thing is you gotta wander around the gym and make sure there are no other guys, beat the shit out of em if they show up and scare them off. Then you gotta take her away from the gym for a week and just fuck her brains out so there are no other dudes around, cause if there are she'll sneak off to fuck them too. If she's not feeling it just smack her around a bit and fuck her anyway and she'll get into it eventually, and if she has any kids maybe kill those to get her back in the mating mood.

At least that's how chimpanzees do it and humans share like 85% the same DNA so I'm pretty sure it's the same.

I think you were fine. Did anything come from this after? You/she never reached out again after christmas or saw each other at the gym?