To what extent does alcohol affect strength gain? I’m not talking about gaining fat. If I drink every night after I lift does it negatively affect the strength gained?
To what extent does alcohol affect strength gain? I’m not talking about gaining fat...
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bro just drink coffee it's good in moderation
Negligible, I drink every day, only do bodyweight and am leaner and stronger than most people I come across. Alcohol is only gains goblin if you let it make you lazy.
negligible if you only get tipsy
if you're hungover it's a different story
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, alcohol is the gayest shit of all time. Drinking is the most normie activity you can partake in. Whenever I see ppl drinking I cringe and think: “I am better than you”. Seriously if you drink, stop. If you have been drunk before I have way, way less respect for you than I had in the first place.
>oh, my daily obligations ended and won’t resume for two whole days, better go home and get ready to drink my fun juice so I can relax!
>oh, class is over for the week? Better go to my dorm and dress up so I can put rotten wheat juice in my mouth so I can talk to girls and try to get them to let me put my penis in them for five minutes even though that never happens and she chooses chad every time!
This is what alkies sound like. Imagine using a substance to allow you to enjoy life, literally could not be me
Trump doesn’t drink, Ronaldo doesn’t drink, uncle Adolf doesn’t drink. Sinple really
simply based
gib milk
You honestly sound like a complete faggot.
Thank you. I have been gaining strength while drinking but I’m a young lifter. Just wanted to make sure.
Classic alkie response
I drink because the endless cycle of:
Gets incredibly fucking boring after a few months and I'd rather spruce it up with a glass of wine or bourbon on the rocks than disgusting sugar water with carbon in it. People have been drinking alcohol since the literal stone age, it's not like it's a hallmark of modernism.
Stupid reason, I only drink water, white monster, and lime Gatorade
You honestly sound like a complete faggot.
you sound like you're 20 and resent people that have fun
Yes, alcohol interferes with Muscle protein synthesis and therefore can ruin your gains.
Drink in moderation or none at all.
>”yep, that’s right kids, if you drink alcohol you are an alkie”
So you drink water, sugar water with caffeine in it, and sugar water with salt in it.
Congratulations. You got me. Obviously your diet of water and fake water with chemical additives is enormously superior to my diet of water and fake water with chemical additives.
>Hey Zig Forums, should I drink poison?
You already know
They're wrong though. Alcohol consumption has been shown to produce up to 40% strength loss 60 hours after consumption
Do you have a peer reviewed source published in a scientific journal to back up your claim nigger?
I can tell that you drink cum more than any other liquid.
>something that helps me relax that man has been drinking for 6000 years is poison
Ok faggot
It's obviously not like that exactly, but way more people exhibit behavior that can be described as alcoholism than they realize. Every time you specifically drink alcohol with the objective to get drunk, that's an indication of psychological dependence. You know how people say "It helps me loosen up". Yeah, that's psychological dependence and therefore a weak form of alcoholism.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm obviously not equating shaking when sober with that behavior, it's clearly not the same. It's just a mild form of it and honestly just a questionable pattern. You may say some the ends justify the means kind of thing, whatever. I personally enjoy doing things I actually think are right and being dependent on some substance that is clearly bad for my health to make friends is just not something that feels right to me. It compromises my autonomy and integrity so fuck it.
Yes i do. Apologize for calling me a nigger and ask nicely and i'll show it to you.
based gomad poster
I drink too but alcohol is literally poison. There are almost zero health benefits from actually drinking it. To pretend otherwise is pure delusion.
Nigger I can google search
>produce up to 40% strength loss 60 hours after consumption
What the actual fuck? How is this even possible unless your drinking yourself I to a comatose state? I should have negative strength is such things happened. I drink a six pack most days.
He’s full of shit. No source provided and he’s a faggot.
I am sorry for this anonymous poster's behavior. Your input is very valuable to this community, and I would have you know that the posting of 'the N word' is not representative of our standard ideological commerce. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for my fellow poster's poor behavior. Please forgive him.
It's because it's not a continuous loss every time and key word is up to. For some it may be more and for others it might be less. It's more hampering your recovery after an exercise session. It's why most professional sporting teams don't want their athletes drinking during preseason and during the season.
>t. too dumb to know how to research on his own
Just apologize for your remark and i can show you where i've read it from.
You can find it here:
DO NOT show it to that rude user.
Thank you.