That's rough
it’s over
Chads don’t last forever
He look like rugged old chad now.
Still more handsome than 99% of Zig Forums
He’s still David Beckham.
I bet he will still somehow pull out that shaved look and mog everyone around him.
Holy fuck he barely passes as a man (in euro units - and he's bong). I mean as long as he has his money and name he's good, but imagine being bald manlet.
Hair matters very little when you have great bone structure. Good looking men can pull off being bald, beckham already pulled off a buzzcut years ago
He even has diffuse thinning which reacts the best to fin + minoxidil. Wtf how'd he let it get bad
I don't get it, was he wearing a wig all this time?
still chad, imagine him squatting in a tracksuit and smoking a fag
:( Bros I don't want go bald, my father started go bald in his 60's now, what to do?
Beckham is like 50 years old, married with 4 kids, retired footballer and model who has rocked every single hairstyle under the sun.
I'd say he's had a good innings.
Seeing guys in their early 20s with worse hairloss than him now THAT is depressing.
still a better hairline then me
Extremely bad lighting which shows he still has NW2. Bald manlets weeping furiously that it'll still look great soon as it grows another inch.
God that'd suck, now he doesn't have anything to shave off to get rid of the nigger germs unless he scalps himself.
Tbh this makes him look way more powerful and chad than when he has that 20 year old fuckboy style. That style gave him a more twink look, this hair gives him a much stronger presence
looks more masculine
unironically this
Bald it like Beckham
Who's the skinhead chad?
Still has a better hairline than me. :(
David Beckham was always ugly. He was only desired because of his status. And he was great at personal branding.
My hair is worse
Looks like gigachad but he need to shave it all.
Such a terrible aging protocol...like the creator didn’t even recognize how mpb progresses. Just gave him a Frankenstein monster head.
Either delusional or heterosexual, pick one
This. Outside of Zig Forums, /soc/ and Zig Forums no one cares. Especially no one who's a rich, successful Chad professional athlete. If he cared, we wouldn't have this picture for the insecure vultures to peck at.
feeling for gold.