Decide to jump on gear

>Decide to jump on gear
>Look 100x better at all times
>Mog every normie on an insane level
>Nobody dares saying shit to you
>Girls fawn over you "show us your 6pack!"
>Look 10/10 80% of the time
>Don't have to hit the gym 6 times a week for small gains
>Massive confidence boost

>Yeah b-b-but you won't live till ur 80 user!!!! RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ONLY NATTY RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just tren bro

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Other urls found in this thread: spur module 0.5 brass categories/

That's nice bro. Hope you're having fun. Keep lifting.

I'll pass on the cow implants and keep my hair and sanity. Goodluck being on gear your entire life and dying at 22 in a gay bathhouse.

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is this guy in pic related a 10/10 when it comes to overall form (face&body)?

>Dying at 22

Yeah ok

Jeff said (25)
Chestbrah (34)
Greg doucette (40)
Bradley Martyn (30)

Do I need to go on?

Are you saying you’ll at least make it to 40? Listen to you go lmao

>Be Jeff
>Be so boring I have to rely on internet fame
>Can’t even bake aesthetic looking cookies
>Used to be 10/10, but already balding from abusing gear
>No one cares about me now that I’ve hit the wall
Post yfw you’re not jeff

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Take care of your health op.

Schwarzy, Frank Zane, Columbo til recently. All in there 70s and 80s fuckwit.

>Yeah b-b-but you won't live till ur 80 user!!!! RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ONLY NATTY RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
That doesn't matter. The point is that you'll fuck up your endocrine system, to the point where you can't even go on vacations anymore. Also you don't need roids to mog normies.

They are all (expect jeff) 30+ and seem to be doing just fine, mentally and physically.


Pic is brand new

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I want gear but dont know where to get

So it's just for looks and no actual purpose.
Cool story faggot

If you live in Aus spur module 0.5 brass categories/

well, you should not forget that pro's are genetically better than normies. not in terms of muscle, but in terms how well their body copes with the gear

one can risk it, i guess, but if your in the "hair loss, back acne" - group (aka 98%) your only hope is 5alpha reductase inhibitors, in wich case you could -rarely- loose your dick power.

i am all for steroids, but the one thing is: the reason why jeff homosaid, arnie, deadboy zyss etc. are famous (or "famous" in terms for the instagram retadrs nobody will care in 5years) is not that they have muscles and some of them asthetics BUT THEY WERE NOT BALDY AS FUCK. if i look at the pros in my gym... well... there is either a lice problem affecting 99% of pros or I have bad news for you

Peter Falk was on steroids? What the fuck?

Mate I'm keen on staying natty too, but if someone is fully aware of the risks of gear and makes an informed choice to make that trade-off then what exactly is the problem? It doesn't affect us at all, and getting venomous about it just makes it seem like you're salty.

He's got a pretty phenomenal body but his face screams douchebag.


And not very impressive. He only looks noteworthy when his bodyfat is super low.

Not even close.

He’s too big for most girls
His face is nowhere near 10/10

god his hair is pathetic

gear won't make you look like him over night.

he's clearly running cover up game. i have those exact same wispy bangs to hide my hairline.

You probably didn't even change that much but most of it comes from the psychological effects of roids.
> nobody dares saying shit to you

looks like what a meathead would say imo

>Not balding

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the thing is, you dont know about their medical problems. They could have serious issues they carry everyday, but you dont know. Arnold has had like a gazzillion heart surgeries.

man jeff really dropped the ball, if he tried to develop a personality and went in a little more on social media he could've been huge. everything aside from his IG is barely touched, wonder what he's even up to these days. it's kinda sad nobody's filled the gap from zyzz for almost 10 years now.

oh hai jeff