>tfw vegeta hairline balding
does that mean i have high Test?
Tfw vegeta hairline balding
No, it only means you have the genetics to go bald.
I've been aware of being blond and having a widows peak since elementary school
you faggot retards were all laughing saying I was going to go bald by 20 but half of you don't have hair.
Suck my dick you bald queers.
but my cunt dad has a full head of hair
>all my relatives start balding mid 20's
Im scared bros
What's your height?
its all about your mums dad
he died at like 25 with a full head of hair with a good hairline.
i'm 21 and it's like really really bad
how does this make sense? been 3.5 months and rogain did shit it's still getting worse
in fact this started at like age 18 and started to really speed up the past 6 months
no it means you have to train harder and watch your son from the future die
how should i LIVE IT?
No it means you have to train harder.
You actually get lots of hate for being a blonde male. I'm really curious about bald sympathy.
it's about being sensitive to t/dht or something
same hairline thing for me too. its been the same since i was 21 and not moved a cm
lift hard, but sometimes you have to let go of things to grow even stronger
High test ≠ male pattern hairloss
Androgenic alopecia is caused by your hair's reaction to androgens, not the androgens themselves. Topical/oral anti-androgen or get new genetics, your choice.
>Androgenic alopecia is caused by your hair's reaction to androgens, not the androgens themselves. Topical/oral anti-androgen or get new genetics, your choice.
will those mess with my gains?
It's possible. They stop your T converting to DHT, so you will have higher T levels, but that free T will aromatise into E also. Generally studies find no difference in muscle gain whilst taking anti-androgens, but it's something to be aware of. The large issue is in sexual side effects and if it unbalances your hormones it could produce some nasty sides. See a doctor, tell him you want to take fin and get some bloods done. Alternatively topicals are an effectively side free option, but you'd have to apply goop to your scalp daily and honestly imo the convenience of taking a single pill is easier..
Vegeta is a manlet too
same brah thats why im loving the hair that i still have
>perfect hairline
>diffused thinning
I've had a widows peak for at least 6 years now and my head of hair hasn't gotten any worse. I've grown it out and it covers it like it isn't there. My dad had white hair by age 30 and was bald 5 years later so there's some precedent for me to go bald but I wouldn't be too worried if you have just the widows peak.
But he mainifests the urge to improve. The urge to overcome all obstacles.
Tbh vegeta is my spirit animal.
Facebook comment science
i used to have like 99th percentile hair thickness and now it's thin as hell and falling out in a span of just 5 years
Iktf, Id honestly rather keep my hair thickness and have a deep widows peak. Diffuse thinning doesn’t look good on anybody.
no it means your diet is shit hairloss is not natural look at hunter gatherer tribes
what foods are good for hair?
and there where a ton of bald people back then
>Lots of hair
>Failure of a fighter
>Total loser
>Can't get a gf
>Laughing stock
>based fighter
>great friend
>good father
>Successful job
>Married Android 18