Can’t wait for next year when everyone unloads gym equipment on the market
Gonna get 300kg of rogue plates for like $100
Can’t wait for next year when everyone unloads gym equipment on the market
Gonna get 300kg of rogue plates for like $100
Currently $160 dollars for 20kg plates
or $200 for 25kg
fucking stupid
thanks for the idea user
Doubt it
I think gyms will die off and everyone will prefer training at home with their equipment
Those left at gyms will be only the really hardcore
Gyms will never be the same, Hahahahaha homegyn wins yet again.
why am I so into fucking tight chinese girls even when they are ugly like that? whats wrong with me? 7" white cock btw
Heres your (you) now kill yourself retard
shes japanese
I really hope that happens, but it seems like far from a given that everyone will offload. God knows I don’t want to go back to a gym, even bodyweight exercises at home are more enjoyable than going to my shit gym
i started my homegym because in the shithole eastern european country i live everything is planet fitness tier now, or corporate bullshit like world class, catering to rich fucks and with a lot of shiny equipment, retarded gymbro PTs which you are forced to pay, and also no oly lifting allowed (because its dangerous)
There used to be an old school bodybuilding gym owned by a beast of a 60yo man, with ugly old iron and a great community of strong guys, but it closed down several years ago.
Basically you can't do serious lifts anywhere, and most guys who train strongman and pl (there are about 20 in the whole city) have their own garage gyms.
So i built a squat rack and got plates, 3 sets of dumbells, a z bar, kettlebells and a stationary bike for indoors, and i also go out in a park to do pull ups and calisthenics.
Guess who continued training like hell during the pandemic. Homegym is the best.
pic related: part of my homegym and it's fearless guardian
I’m worried boys
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying doing light dumbbell training for my upper body and cardio for my lower body. It feels much less autistic and far more healthier and more balanced of a life than going to the gym 5 days a week training like I’m trying to become a professional or something
>It feels much less autistic and far more healthier and more balanced of a life than going to the gym 5 days a week training like I’m trying to become a professional or something
That’s because it is. Normies won’t look down on you for doing light dumbbell work for upper body at home, and doing cardio for legs. They will judge you for going to the gym everyday and training as if you’re trying to compete in the Olympics
Homie I think u missed the point here
Where are you from?
Romania. One of the big cities, full of hipsters and IT corporate-drones, who wanna drink vegan smoothies and "workout" doing yoga and pilates.
They will judge you harder for not knowing the difference between "everyday" and "every day".
Ok Karen
Same thing
I would be embarrassed to have anything rogue branded in my home
>ripoff brand that heavily markets to consoomers
What kind of dog is that
yeah well it is for serious lifters
Kekkity kekkity kekkek
I finished building my homemade pull-up station/dip station/guillotine/home defense system a couple hours ago. Feels good. Next I'll probably look into buying a bench, adjustables dumbbells and a z-bar, that'll get me most of the way through my old workouts
Should be a couple months before fitness equipment starts popping up at normalish prices again. Kinda like the toilet paper rush, just need a couple production cylces before markets are back to normal.
i like your gym guardian user
Don’t get adjustable dumbbells
They’re a pain in the ass to use
It might seem tempting because of how much cheaper it is vs having a set of dumbbbells for each weight up 120s or something’s but seriously they’re just nowhere near as functional to use compared to normal dumbbells
What a dream tbqh
Fuck normals, I'd rather hang out in an empty gym
Ironmasters are great but pricey, though
Not worth it. If anything goes wrong with the locking mechanism of the adjustable dumbbells they’re fucking useless
Not to mention the risk of them failing mid set and plates falling on your head lmao.
Based gym guardian! All I can think of is this when I saw the pic:
>TFW no room for homegym
>TFW normal gyms play loud as shit top 40 music instead of metal
>TFW it's just full of normies doing it for looks
What about something like these? Honestly doesn't seem so bad, would prob take like a minute to change weight
The problem with those is how did you rest them on your knees?
At least normal dumbbells have flat surface where you can place the dumbbells and rest them on your knees before putting them into position.
Also, constantly adjusting them becomes a huge pain in the ass after you’ve done it hundreds of times.
The money saved eventually stops being worth it when you compare to normal dumbbells.