Is she retarded now?
Why is she spreading fake news?
>Contrary to popular belief, there is no xylitol in birch sap (xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is industrially produced using high temperature and sulfuric acid, or through fermentation). [16]
Is she retarded now?
Why is she spreading fake news?
>Contrary to popular belief, there is no xylitol in birch sap (xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is industrially produced using high temperature and sulfuric acid, or through fermentation). [16]
> woman
Don't know who she is but she was probably always retarded
she is right you fucking mong
>cold showers?
who fuck she even is? and why do you care mr. user?
she's based and fucc you
Is this Rousey?
share if you liked this &reply :D
Wouldn't it be so gross if she forced you to smell her sweaty sauna towel haha
Based Dr. Rhonda Patrick dropping red pills on blacks and vitamin d levels
I like her vids, but she looks like white Michael Jackson.
Anyone that tells you to take fish oil should be disregarded.
I assume she is the female equivalent of an incel, because her face looks kinda weird and she could never quite fuck the guy(s) she wanted she internalized it as some creepy mentally ill feminist belief system, and instead of looking deeply at herself and admitting to herself that was why she believed these things instead she, like every other annoying egotistical obnoxious wilfully ignorant human being swept it under the rug and kept believing in retardation, then had to spread that retardation wherever she went, effectively making the end result of her life useless at best and destructive at worst.
>A widely respected PhD biochemist researcher who says nothing without citation, and at worst buys into animal studies a bit much
>user who gets his information from reading headlines and memes on a weeb imageboard
Errrr user she's a biochemist, you should maybe chill out a bit there lil pal. Maybe get laid. Look up Freudian projection, might apply to you a bit there lil pal. Lil bitch
What's a weird opinion, why?
Weak ad hominem.
Patrick is educated and a good filter for general fitness and longevity information.
I think it's pointless starting off by the low quality on most of the supplements, followed by why the fuck are you NOT consuming fresh fish daily(I remember reading you just needed to eat once/twice week for the omegas 3) and third what the fuck are you doing to be consuming so many omegas-6?
She specifically talks about sourcing your omega 3 from somewhere that you can verify its integrity, youre just seeing the word omega 3 and coming to conclusions ya big dummy
just eat fish, boggles my mind how muricans don't eat whole fish seriously.
vitamin d3 even supplemented isn't as good as getting direct sun, see how negros are getting affected by the corona virus in northen european countries, mother nature doing it's things.
She certainly looks retarded
She talks about eating fish regularly and when you dont take the supps, she usually takes shit like salmon roe too,
>Maybe get laid.
I got laid last week, I'm just simply not a simp. Funny how you talk about projection and you randomly bring up me getting laid. According to your theory does that mean mister big tough boy is a virgin? I vote yes, and a faggot.
Hey Zig Forumsfags, looks like it's that time of year again to get off your bloatmaxxed rear end and take the /sig/ pill. But you don't need to go it alone; join the OFFICIAL /sig/ Self Improvement Discord Join hundreds of your brothers in improving yourself. Wanna stop fapping? We can help. Wanna shitpost and troll? Kek af. Wanna get serious and deal with those deep personal issues? Go for it king. And don't mention lifting; we are all absolute lifters here.
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So she has some fancy pants certificate, so what. These scientists come out with contradictory "theories" (I.e. guesses) every other week. I studied at the school of hard knocks and the university of life, so that makes me at least as knowledgeable as this uppity woman.
>These scientists come out with contradictory "theories" (I.e. guesses) every other week.
Jesus christ you sound like a facebook anti vax mom,
I should have mention I was addressing the common "tip" to consume omega 3 supplementation around fit and the lifting community in general NOT her(I follow some of her work especially the pregnancy stuff want to have a baby in some close years), all you see is meme tilapia fillets garbage or simply no fish at all.
I seriously have grown up adults coming up to my work place and they have no clue how to eat a whole fish or getting disgusted by it, really strange but hey I'm the guy that eats a suckling pigs head(brain, ear, cheek etc..)
I thought you were the clown discrediting her for talking about it, but yeah even tuna is fine if you go with skipjack and dont do more than 3 tins a week, this place is mostly burgers anyway who get spammed by omega 6s from every angle so should probably pop some omega 3 pills along with eating fish
>followed by why the fuck are you NOT consuming fresh fish daily
mercury etc.
>low quality on most of the supplements
yeah it's a gamble
selenium makes the mercury problem null plus there's a shitload of low mercury fish out there anyways