I don't get it

I don't get it

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That small 5'11 Apu is so fucking cute

5'7", for some reason, is the height of a lot of famous and powerful men. Bezos, Efron, Cruise, and like a good 40% of Hollywood actors are 5'7".

>mfw Always land under the small smug apu or the crying big boy wojak in these memes

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don't get it, being 5'7 sucks

i was one of the shortest guys at my libtard arts college, except for one dude who was 5'3

>tfw 5'9
at least I'm not 5'11

5'7 is the lucky height, anything else is cursed.

5'7 here

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The pic is wrong. Anyone 5'11 would just claim 6'2 cause normies have no fucking idea what heights look like.

5'7 represent
I don't care about my height, but I have friends who are close to (but not quite) 6ft and they obsess to hell over their height being under 6ft

>tfw 5'10.5

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tfw 58

My brother is 5'7 and pretty well liked. He's had more girlfriends and people seem drawn to him. I'm 5'10 and am a total autist. I think height is good but if you don't know how to act or be likeable or have a weak face you're fugged.

Also, even when we travel strangers seem drawn to him so he may be an exception. Maybe he's the human equivalent to a golden retriever

mfw 6'4 (puts height as 6'6 in tinder bio, chicks cant tell the difference)


fuck manlets, where my 6' + bros at?

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For some reason manlets can be really fucking charismatic

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manlet cope, they never fucking learn, do they?

Over compensation.

good height, happy with it.
manlet but ez gains. They're fit but they can never lift into a normal adult size
OP was probably 5'7 and wanted to look based and unseethable
pretty obvious
king of manlets. happy with their height in general but the 1 inch off the 6 club actually makes them look significantly shorter
seething because they're short by online standards but in reality they're not too bad

You are all faggots, because you dont get that most people dont walk straight and upright. Thats why they lose about 1-2 inches. If you wear shoes with one inch and just walk upright you will be taller than most people around you.

This is the stupidest thing I read all day. How is a 5'5 guy gonna be taller than most people around him, if he lives in western europe?

tripfags get the rope

there's nothing to "get"
it's retarded and makes zero sense

he's a gud boy

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It's the only way our ancestors survived
short men have to be funny and/or charismatic

>be 5'7
>6'2 bro
>I stand up straight
>I'm taller than my brother
>I'm taller than everyone around me
> never tell anyone my secret

w-where’s 5’8

Why do you all want to be tall

I fucking hate being 6'2 because I have zero interest in being big or super muscular, I just want to be an athletic boxer but no my natural weight has to be fucking 155

6'2 155