Why can't dudes just accept being dudes? He'd unironically look great if he grew out stubble and lifted, but instead chooses to look like a tranny drag queen monster.
Why can't dudes just accept being dudes? He'd unironically look great if he grew out stubble and lifted...
tranny drag queen monsters are popular and hes making money. Money feels more like money when its degenerate money.
Guy on the left is just some faggot nobody cares about. He doesnt want to be just another faggot.
we live in a sick society filled with rot
(((Doctors))) are to blame, And poor family values.
Is it gay to want to fuck a tranny to punish them for being weak?
look good to you, not to himself or the gays he wants to bum him. are you retarded?
Gay guys would rather fuck left than right.
>Why can't dudes just accept being dudes?
This is why
Don't a lot of gay guys get off to the idea of having "straight" guys fucking them? If that's the case, right would be better at attracting "straight" guys.
I don't drink soi or support Bernie Sanders but I do believe it's fine to be transgender. Who cares? If you're a straight guy it doesn't effect your life in any way whatsoever if a guy wants to believe he's really female.
And you kind of have to believe it's a real thing just like being gay is real because it's very common. So it's not made up. I know I like girls. I don't know where that comes from exactly but it's in my nature so the same is true for gay and transgender people.
based and gay pilled
Here's the thing. The lefty scum are right when they say gender is a social construct. It's a social construct deeply rooted in real biology, but a construct nonetheless. While you typically find broad agreement on what's a man and what's a woman across all societies across all time, it's still a malleable idea and not a platonic ideal.
Look at the genders of men and women these days, as espoused by the culture at large and not necessarily your personal view. Women are considered smart, even tempered, sassy, hyper capable, deserving of and receiving special treatment, and generally on the rise to better things.
Men, on the other hand, are considered stupid, violent, weird, creepy, lazy, privileged, incompetent and generally on the decline.
Many young men, having no realistic alternative, just absorb this shit through cultural osmosis. They don't feel like the prevailing depiction of men describes them at all, and they don't have their own fully formed idea of what a man is to counter it. Push that into a culture that celebrates transsexuality, where dick choppers are considered heroic and worthy of admiration, and a totally normal thing. This young man thinks 'well I'm obviously not like what a man is, and men who aren't men are obviously trannies, qed I'm really a woman in a man's body'.
I'm not saying gender dysmorphia isn't real, but in the vast majority of cases it's caused almost entirely by social conditioning and not an inherent dysfunction of the brain.
>ut I do believe it's fine to be transgender. Who cares? If you're a straight guy it doesn't effect your life in any way whatsoever if a guy wants to believe he's really female.
They're delusional mentally ill borderline schizophrenic people who demand special treatment.
>And you kind of have to believe it's a real thing just like being gay is real because it's very common.
Once again, schizophrenia is common, doesn't mean it's a good thing. And wanting to put your dick in a man is a bit different than hating yourself for being a man and wanting to cut off your own dick.
> I know I like girls. I don't know where that comes from exactly but it's in my nature
It's called reproduction, it's the basis of any organism surviving.
Why is this shit memed so hard onto society is the real question.
why can't you posts these threads on Zig Forums instead?
He's specifically said he prefers straight guys
>but instead chooses to look like a tranny drag queen monster
And it makes him bank and famous. People do all sorts of shit to live in the spotlight and extend their 15 minutes. Societal standards take a backseat when you're in a higher tax bracket
he shoops his ass
Sure but how does any of what they do affect you or your life in any way? I'm not saying it's biologically correct but there's more to be human than just biology and if someone is transgender it doesn't have anything to do with you. You can hate but it won't get you anywhere. Try empathy, it's better for all of us.
refer to the Greeks
>it doesn't have anything to do with you
Yes it does. What you're mistaking as an individual choice is based on support of many people that are dictating both how I should respond to them and how the norms in which their illness is expressed. The non trans people waving the "trans lives matter" banner are the same ones that create blanket narratives condemning masculine nature.
Fuck your high school libertarian sensibility
>caring what a youtube personality does for even a second
Pal you're already fuckin up. Close the browser window and go lift.
>It's society's fault my peepee gets hard when I see this gay dude in makeup
Sure thing.
>i dont have an argument so ill just call him a fag
Thank you for reminding me that summerfags also deserve the rope
A portion of society wants to accept them and support them because they see them as people too regardless of their sexuality and THAT'S what bothers you? Any variation of masculinity and femininity to either extreme or absence of either should be treated the same. Human first, everything else second. Just be generally kind to everyone as best you can. None of us chose to be alive and we all just trying to figure shit out. Be nice.
I have aids
I'm straight and if he looks like this in real life I'd hit it without a second thought
>implying this tard lifts
Trannyism isn't sexuality. It falls under that whole "genderqueer" spectrum where people adopt other gendered norms or make up ways how they aren't adhering to the spectrum. Trannies may be sexually attracted to their birth sex, but not always. Know what you're arguing for.
I never called for the extreme of masculinity or femininity. However overt efforts to condemn one side of that are telling of ulterior motives. The feminine side is criticized a fraction of the time masculinity is. There is no "toxic femininity" and looking into it even a little bit will tell you precisely why that is.
Further, if it was just dudes wanting to wear skirts, that's one thing. The fact that it crosses over to a somewhat normalized self-mutilation is also a condemning factor.
Yeah the world sucks, but being nice denies the fight for bettering existence that permeates humanity. Don't be a tool for the wrong cause, user.