Explain this shit
>kick weed
>kick booze
>kick crack
>kick fucking HEROINE
What the fuck man
I'm 390 pounds. About to hit the big 400. If it weren't for my weight I would be doing so much, going out, socializing, just living life, here I am directing pent up energy to this thread and videogames I hate.

How the fuck did you do it.
>inb4 just do it
>inb4 stop eating
Non-fat people who went from skinny to bulk need not apply. I want to hear from former fatasses.

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A tip I heard is to throw up after eating your meals. You can still eat as much as you want but the calories won't count.

how else do you think this works?

If I have to be bulemic I will I don't mind
I don't know man there has to be something
I'm surrounded by fat enabling assholes and my career requires me to look good I have to lose weight as fast as possible I don't have the money for liposuction yet because I'm being pushed to get a nose correction surgery first
They basically said "lose it or we drop you" and they won't invest in weight loss only other cosmetic shit
Yes I'm male but not a fag

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Drink shittons of water and only eat rice and essential vitamins, just do it always.

Water fast until you're thin.

lmao I hate eating
I find it to be such a chore

Pick up smoking cigarettes to supress appetite

isolate yourself

Just find out your base metabolic rate and stay under it.
It's much easier when you have a fixed number to stay under and don't have to judge by eye if you're eating too much or not.

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Count Calories

I lost 70 pounds since January doing three day consecutive fasts. Idk I just kinda started hating myself a lot and I browsed fit almost every day for a month before I started losing weight and the hatred I felt at myself for not being fit like guys in the CBT made me just snap and stop eating. Idk if that helps tho

I've gone from 339 to 225 and i rebounded back to 264. All i can say is you have to find something you can stand doing.

For some people thats keto, for some people thats intermittent fasting, for some people thats just a balanced diet with calorie counting.

You need to find the thing that doesn't make you feel like you're dieting then you're golden.

Do you eat how many times a day? If you're binging stop that, eat only three or four times a day and don't binge. Keep that for a few weeks until you get used to it, and start exercising right now at least 4 days a week. DO NOT BINGE. Stop buying shit food and ask your parents/room mates to stop buying it for you. If you can't do that, try to slowly reduce your binging habits, say, schedule three or fours binging moments throughout the day and slowly reduce them to 0 over a few weeks.
After you don't have the habit of binge eating anymore, start counting calories.

Yup, same can't relate to all that eating shit people talk about and how it's so hard to not eat

Dude you are addicted to food. Stop fucking eating that is all there is to it. At least only eat one meal a day if you can't just fast for days at a time. You are weak.

Read as much as you can about basic nutrition. Meal prep. Count calories. Set meal times and stick to them. Stop snacking.

Understand that the numbers aren't going to down every day. Sometimes they'll go up and that's just how your body works, but it doesn't mean you're getting fatter.

Remember that it takes a long time. You're not gonna be skelly mode in 2 months. Maybe 2 years.

LITERALLY the hardest thing is discipline. If you can go one day without eating like a hog, you can go one week. If you can go one week, you can manage a month and after that, just keep fucking going.

t. skinny person who has never been fat

You will never be thin

You're not addicted to food in general. You're addicted to SUGAR. And it's a bitch to get off of.
It took me two to three weeks to get rid of the added sugar, and then another month to give up glucose in general (starches are glucose too). And the effects were just like when stopping smoking for me, with the first three days being hell, and then headaches and flu like symptoms for the next two or three weeks.
The good part is that after that, I could easily control my eating habits, since I was actually feeling hunger, not the sugar cravings that come every two hours, again like in an addiction.

Becoming bulimic is the worst thing you could do plus it will kill you in the long term
t.struggled with bulimia since I was 13 and permanently ruined my health because of it

>you will never be thin

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a cute girls lips around your dick feels better than any junk food ever will taste, take it from a former hamplanet

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Nice dick bro no homo

and truth be told, there is no magic trick to losing weight. You know what you have to do , you are just lacking willpower. Dont look for inspiration, its fleeting. Instead, become ironclad in your ways, and simply do what needs to be done every day regardless of if you feel like it, and simply trust the process and the results will come

id still cal myself a fatass, I'm 5'9 started at 335, im down to 229. Honestly I cant tell you if it was maturity with age (28) but I was just a lot more motivated and dedicated this time. I also had a concert plan in May for one of my favorite bands and bought the perfect shirt and made that my goal. every week sometimes every day I'd try that shit on lol.

thats a lot of words to say shut the fuck up and stop eating fatty

Yes stop eating you fat fuck

I was 320, currently at 222 lowest was 200. I did IF, its not magical it was just to be disciplined enough to not eat 4 candy bars at 3 in the morning. Current events being what they are I gained 40 lbs from my lowest working to get it back do. If you commit to it at the start you will see pretty staggering instant results. The hardest part is realizing how easy it is to get the weight off once you stop fucking around. Then you get down where you want to be and think, "I can have those late night drinks and some candy. I'll just work it off." But you're always going to be a fat fuck in your brain and the margin for error is razor thin.

Why stop? Just keep eating until you qualify for a free government disability car

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just started fasting bro, lost around 100lbs of fat, added 30+ of muscle and also don't have any loose skin of yet

currently on PSMF for 4 weeks to get from 18%~ to 12% BF

every time you think of eating something just imagine ur goal body AND JUST STOP EATING

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