Has there ever been an athlete more salty over having his record broken than this egomaniac?

Has there ever been an athlete more salty over having his record broken than this egomaniac?

Attached: Eddie-Hall.01-840x1024.jpg (840x1024, 123.57K)

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fuck off Thor no one cares

What sport is this? Why are you posting this?

If it was anyone other than Thor he wouldn’t have cared. Thor is a prick and can’t accept the fact that he double dipped on every rep like a retard at WSM 2017.

I already told you Eddie you're a has been and will be one until the end of your days.

Who actually cares about strongman drama. Both guys are morbidly obese and look disgusting

Thor stop posting you beat the world record by 1kg and still act like a little bitch just keep training for a fight that will probably just make you both look bad

Both Thor and Eddie are petulent little children. In one of eddies recent videos he started raging saying anyone could challenge him to a fight in the street and he would "knock their fucking block off". Thor cried like a little child and tried to use his child to cheat wsm 17.

Eddie should have just seen Hafthor was a sore loser and left it at that, nothing can take away his win and he should know a win is a win. He kept rubbing it in and Thor just got more salty over it.

They are both children and I hate both of them.

Those moobs are unaesthetic as fuck.

Thor fakeweighted the 501 DL

I wish that one Ivan guy did it, he seemed pretty cool

That’s all muscle you retard, Go ahead and show me one girl with tits like those. These are moobs right here.

Attached: 4EEE1633-5FCA-4782-A9AD-E84DF018A42C.jpg (3000x2000, 646.08K)

LMAO Eddie has a small dick confirmed.Explains his insecurity about everything.

Attached: Untitled.png (779x568, 522.21K)

it's probably a decent sized weiner, his body just makes it look small

so you saw this image and the first thing you focused on was his dick?

its all he had lol, fucking washed up retard

Eddie isn't that tall user. See this picture next to an old Schwarzenegger (5'11). I know he claims 6'3 but it looks like he is 6'1 at best when you place him against other athletes. Im certain most strongmen lie about their height and weight anyway. You have to be quite insecure to get into it.

Why, you looking at his muscles instead? Thats pretty gay user.

Attached: d1d5752f398fff75293d95052b87ee89.jpg (720x960, 86.93K)

Schwarzenegger isn't 5'11 I mean I can see that probably isn't as tall as he was before but the man should still break six feet

What? Arnold is 6’2, 6’0.5 At the very LEAST from aging.

Okay, so basketball players are height measured and recorded. This is so their vertical jump can be correctly quantified.

Here is a young Arnold besides the 6'6 (confirmed) Jordan. Notice how there is at least a forehead in height (even while ignoring that Jordan is leaning forward and Arnold has pulled himself up). A forehead is roughly 6". This places a leaning Jordan at 6" taller than Arnie, hence Arnie is below 6'.

There are a lot of celebrities who have confirmed that him and stallone are both noticebly under 6'

Attached: 110621_arnold_schwarzenegger_f_008.jpg (956x500, 65.58K)

Where did you get that from, Arnold?

Lous is 6'4.

There is no way Arnold is 6'2 in this picture. MAYBE 6'.

Attached: tumblr_pqk1drdKFp1tqyn80o1_1280.jpg (1080x838, 116.18K)

Attached: EC20BCF9-6350-45C3-A4DD-0B47A3735631.png (437x405, 155.24K)

Okay so he is 6'1. Its not unlikely he will be 5'11 at his current age. This post confirmed. Thanks user.

He's Anglo, they get salty anytime someone of another ethnicity is better than them, nothing new. Always have been sore losers

post moar

not official

just listen to the autists on this site

>A forehead is roughly 6"
6cm maybe

Fuck you're delusional, Eddie

Basketball players measure their height in their shoes tho

>>world record
in an event made just for you, in your gym, with your equipment.

fuck off halfthor