The New Normal For Mental Health

Have you guys noticed this? In 2020, if you're neurotypical/not mentally-ill, then you use psychedelics, weed, pop various pills to suit your fancy, drink alcohol, guzzle coffee with impunity, etc. If you aren't neurotypical/mentally-ill (be it bipolar, intense anxiety disorder, schizo shit, borderline, etc) then you use psychiatric/prescription head meds like Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Seroquel, Lithium, Lamictal, and Adderall (although both camps use this one).

The thing is, I feel like since the 1990's the middle group (the group that doesn't use drugs - legal or no - at all) has just been shrinking smaller and smaller. In the post-modern age you're either a dude weed psychedelic bro/drinker, or you respond poorly to weed and other recreational drugs so you seek the advantages that psychiatric drugs lend you. There's very little in between nowadays, it's the new normal, the bar has been raised. If you're not partying on weed and MDMA+LSD combo then you just say fuck it to that world and go the Prozac route so you can get perfect sleep and flawless emotional control so you can dominate the workplace.

What happened to cause this shift, Zig Forums? Why is mental health becoming increasingly an either/or with dude bro and "I am the universe" party drugs and psychiatric "enhanced mental control with neurogenesis"? It's with that with everyone I now. It's either you are a prolific weed smoker/tab popper or you're on Prozac or Lexapro. Everyone is trying to mod their brains now, and this is to say -NOTHING- of nootropics and research chems.

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almost no one nowadays is sober for most of the year, I noticed this too, everyone is on "meds" now

I'm on SNRI's due to chronic depression and anxiety. I don't feel that they help much though, but I'm giving it a shot.

I also take melatonin to be able to fall asleep.

Never been drunk my whole life.

Coffee for dopamine high
Alcohol to forget shit at night
Diphenhydramine to sleep on non alcohol days

nice thread, but honestly this may belong on Zig Forums or /x/, anyway, in my opinion things have been getting really bad so people are recurring to drugs to cope ,and they want to have the population addicted to these drugs so they can be controled and supressed

Black culture which is the driving force in the West is based on being depressed, consumerism, social media and doing a shit ton of drugs this without a doubt has fucked up the recent generation

People are getting more and more mentally ill and depressed the more advanced society becomes and the more they become removed from nature. I don't take any drugs because I know that this stuff can not make you happy, it can only make you numb to pain which is what people use it for.

you're a low IQ narcissist not mentally ill

gtfo raby

This, if you are feeling depressed anxious just no this. The best “cures” for depression anxiety and all that bullshit are vitamin d (which we lack) omega 3, proper nutrition, exercise, meaningful contact in nature and meaningful communal relationships

People have always been using drugs. Ancient humans loved opiates. It's where the visions of their shamans came from.

>i'm special because i smoke weed all the time like every dumb porch monkey, just look at my xbox achievements to see my enhanced cognition

you have the reading comprenssion of a third grader

enjoy dementia

kys idiot stoner

>tfw on lithium & adderall
>Adderall for the past 1.5 years, lithium for the last 2 months
Fucking sucks and it's expensive but I went from being a wishy washy college dropout who spent all my off time in bed binging Netflix to a determined student with a 4.0 GPA and now I'm trying to develop hobbies and started back going to the gym. Also my social anxiety is non-existent. So it is what it is ig.

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when did i say i am a stoner, fucking retard

yes but not the hyper synthesised form

Nailed it.

With the advent of the digital revolution, I think most people subconsciously view themselves as above their base primitive nature - and thus ignore their natural needs completely; instead coping on a drip feed of dopaminergic actives, and when that bottom falls out, more psychoactive crutches.
I'd also couple it with perceived societal norms as well.

Another major component I believe is missing is a collective theological or philosophical component. Having any degree of certainty in the face of ultimate absurdity and uncertainty is incredibly stabilizing both emotionally and intellectually.
All were given now is bite sized Hodge Podge ideological messages from the various media we consume.

Because (((they))) want it this way. Mentally addled idiots running around consooming are good for the (((system))) plus who's going to stop (((them))) when no one can form a cohesive thought or stay focused long term?

The erosion of morals makes for a more complacent workforce. The regulation of mood makes for a more complacent workforce.

If you can get them to do it voluntarily through weed, video games, porn, etc, all the better.

With the widespread embrace of information technology, the use of Calvinism to convince the workforce to relinquish both socialized benefits and a wage that would afford them privatized benefits has been obsoleted by raw, voluntary distraction.

It's a brave new world.

I don't use any of the drugs listed. Does that make me sane or insane?

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nah most normies just drink on the weekends and occassionally smoke weed (not much after college). if you frequently take drugs after 25 you are a druggy loser and probably live with your parents or in some disgusting roach infested apartments. you probably just have shit friends or youre just trying to point fingers bc youre unhappy with your life. The only people I know who think theyre hot shit for being sober/straightedge are utterly unsuccessful. Very similar to vegan losers

>apu poster
Sane and based


>chronic depression and anxiety. I don't feel that they help much though
thats bc you need to fix your life and the shit that makes you depressed/anxious.
dont take drugs to sleep. I use melatonin occassionally to reset my schedule but not to induce sleep regularly. You are getting low quality sleep and daily alcohol use causes withdrawal seizures along with all the other sides.
strongly agree that rap music is harming the youth. Hep A is on the rise because of "butt eating" bs from rap
Video games are a major opiate for young men. Get them out of your house.

Sounds like you do illicit drugs

Black culture (violence, drugs, not doing well is school) has destroyed the black community. They had a lot of potential and squandered it.

You just spend too much time on the internet bro

Depression and anxiety can be pathological. Read a book sometime. There are a lot of ways people can naturally feel better and are taught by providers as first line treatments: exercise, healthy diet, strong social network, etc. You are talking about stuff you know nothing about.

>the Prozac route so you can get perfect sleep and flawless emotional control so you can dominate the workplace

How did you come up with this idea?

Psychoactive, alcohol and caffeine abuse has been around human history for a lot longer than you would think. The rise in their use is the social normalization of using them. As for the use of prescription meds, I can only guess it's the ambiguity and relativity of medical psychology. You can say I'm depressed, anxious, etc., but you don't know if it's from inexperience with life, a genuine disorder, or people over-exaggerating. So psychiatrists take the safe route and throw pills to fix the problems.

The real problem is that people lack the introspection and self-awareness to know their thought processes and what else is going on with their head. Note, some people are bad enough that it's hard to rein in their thoughts, despite having the awareness, and those are the people that medication helps most effectively.

I don't see that at all. Where the fuck do you live?

and you're the stupid one for falling for it.

The meth epidemic is relatively new. I feel like there is more Illicit drug abuse now than ever before in history.