This thread is dedicated to all the incel bros who decided to try the gym. How did your last lift go

This thread is dedicated to all the incel bros who decided to try the gym. How did your last lift go

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got a gf

That's cool bro but then you weren't an incel

>Did my workout
>went to the stretching area
>girl walks in looking at her phone
>puts phone down on bench
>sees me in the mirror
>literally screams and runs out of the gym
>leaves her phone behind
>gave her phone to one of the PTs in the gym office
>When I told him what happened he gave me the saddest most disappointing expression and said "thanks for bringing me the phone mate"
>That was 6 months ago and it still hurts

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90% of incels are volcel and dont acknowledge it. If you do the following getting laid then just takes consistency like it does for all men:
This means bathing, sun exposure, haircuts every 3-8 weeks, brushing teeth, deodorant, etc. (not necessary but helps to have a face/skin care regimen too).
Obviously, atleast you faggots can get this part right, but you all think this is enough. It’s not you need to do all these things. Anyways, cardio 2-3x a week, lifting 3+ days a week
Should be obvious. Follow any tried and proven to get results diet, but realize Omnivorous is king. Keto and fasting aren’t magic. They work but so does developing actually healthy nutrition practices in the first place. This is important because it helps you feel more energetic and happier as well as is necessary to support the lifting/cardio.
Never be beyond 15%.
Socialize. Have anxiety? Stop being a bitch baby and push yourself to do what scares you, even if you need to start small and go walk around the grocery store for 20 minutes and then work up to talking to an employee. Just work on it and get constant daily exposure. You will develop charisma and social skills with enough time and exposure.
>social 2
Get friends.
Have some kind of income whether it’s wagecucking for $9 or some shitty office job paying you $35k, get whatever you can to start out and then look for something better or that you enjoy.
Other than putting in effort with the above, you must actually try to get girls. Do it daily. Just go for numbers at first. It’s pretty easy. Learn what you did right or wrong and also realize there are MILLIONS OF BITCHES OUT THERE AND YOU ARE ONE MAN. Rejection isn’t shit after the 50th time. Rejected 5x today? You could get sucked off in a public restroom tmrw. Keep trying. The more you get your shit together the easier it becomes. Also don’t obsess over pussy and measure your self worth on your ability to get it


i'm disgusted by ugly girls

don't get high and treat an ugly girl pretty

Wtf are you hideously deformed or something?

Good I got a gf

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I do all those, but people say that it's probably my personality.
I don't get it tho I don't seem like such a bad guy. Even if my personality was completely bland I think all the tricks and skills I've learnt through self improvement and my body and looks should make up for being bland if it was the case.
According to my friends I'm narcissistic but I don't see myself that way at all. But I swear I've fallen for every self improvement meme (just do x bro) and girls dont want me anywhere near.
I'm not ugly but I'm 5'7. However you have that one friend who is 5'6 and slays so that can't be it.

I’m about a month and a week in. Stalled OHP at 112.5, deload to 100. I was looking forward to the deload honestly.

>t. not balding or 5’4

I'm always too pussy to go into the lifting side because I've never used any of it before. I stay on the womans side with the cardio machines and row instead.
I cancelled my membership because I knew covid would fuck it up but I don't think I'll go back. I'm just too ashamed.

I did the same until I finally asked the trainers to help me make a plan and teach me how to use the lifting area.
>tfw too weak for any of the lifts
How even, I don't know, I'm at a decent level on machines

Yeah I'm really ugly.
My mother had a crying breakdown when I was 6 because the primary school implicitly asked her to remove me from class because I imagine I used to scare the other kids. I've never had any friends, there are literally zero pictures of me except for one when I was born. My father abandoned me when I was 1 and my mother basically slipped into alcoholism and benzo addiction. She told me many times that I ruined her life, that I'm a monster, that she wished she had aborted me etc.
Worst part is she's right.

I'm wagecucking for plastic surgery I've saved $100k so far at 23, I'm jacked and I have a comfy job working security at night in dockyards. I plan to become a nurse when I've had work done and don't look as much like a monster.

I’m 6’2” with a full head of hair (for now)

Can you please post a pic? Not for making fun or anything, I'm genuinely just curious.

Sounds like life gave you a shortcut to forced wisdom. Also, definitely based. Godspeed user !

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Do it user, we're all here to support you.

On god my niggas I would kill all of you

>Just work on it and get constant daily exposure. You will develop charisma and social skills with enough time and exposure.
>social 2
>Get friends.

that sounds fucking horrible

its ovurr for you
>tfw left browser on his channel the night he got banned

post your face bro

Please be gentle.

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Yeah that's not me, and by looking at the file name you downloaded that off the internet so it's not even you either.

Poor troll attempt.

you're gonna make it bro

What do you mean you’re not me

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What the fuck is a volcel
Why do you people keep making up words


It's the very first week of my cut and I strained my right forearm. The left one's pretty beat up too, but the right can barely squeeze water out of a plastic bottle. So I have to take the rest of the week off lifting (still doing cardio). I'm also injecting test and tren, and I want to give superdrol a try so I'll throw it in the very last day of week 5.


>How did your last lift go

great, got back to lmao3plaet on squat for the first time in years, but that was on March 13th, the day before my gym closed;

>mfw it's been almos three months and i've done nothing but pullups and kettlebell swings since

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