> Inshallah Dhimmi come take seat and have a drink, tell me about your today's training
You are in the deserts of Arabia
Mashallah brother, Allah blesses your trips.
esselemualeikum brother, wallah I swear I sit on sharif's family if he skip leg day again. astaghfirullah if I ever skip this I would throw myself off this cliff.
thats an indian tho
That's a sikh.
>caught one of my goats watching me move a heavy rock
She was mirin
Just the usual, al'akhu al'akbar, how goes the family?
Nothing much, rode 20 kms on a sandworm
Daily reminder that arabs were a lot more clearer during the arab expansion than now
When they started to conquer from spain and france to the borders of china (beating the chinks) they would look like levantines
After the expansion, arab started to take abd buy sex slaves from all over the world especially ethiopian, indian and chinese girls
And many arabs took ethipian, indian and black girls as slaves
Our imam forbid us to go to the gym because it's vanity and leads to sin.
Started going to a climbing gym to at least get some functional strength.
They're not allowed in the 'Rub al-Khali or something?
There is a 'yuge Indian workforce and diaspora in Arabia and they are also Muslim.
But i would add that the man in op picture look extremely arab in the facial features such as the iconic semite arab nose, the long eyelashes and deep set eyes
Eh. The issue is more their inbreeding.
Race mixing is pretty rare in muslims except for white males.
nothing much just sitting on my computer killing time
What? What are you trying to say?
There's an alarming amount of Muslims on Zig Forums. No wonder this place is a FBI honeypot.
yeah that's why, not Zig Forums or the pedos
funny thing is that pic rel is scarily similar to what my dad looked like, and I'm about as pale-skinned of an Arab you'll ever see lol. Even had a knife like that RIP
Imagine actually believing that kek
muslims still a threat?
aren't white christians the big bads now?
Has any one ever thought of using Arabs to explore Mars? They're already used to barren desert conditions. I guess Dune did it sort of.
begone muslim
all abrahamic religions are fren. the end goal is the same. evangelical christians literally want shariah law but with jesus slapped on top of it. muzzies are just as bad as christcucks. judiasm is no different.
I'm a Muslim from Iraq I also don't agree with the protests in the America that are happening right now
>sit down
>remove headgear
>lean in
>stare for a moment in silence
>he slowly becomes visibly uneasy
>say in a hoarse sand-strangled whisper:
>"Stay out of Europe, faggot"
>sit in silence for a moment
>quietly stand up
>put back on blood soaked chicken mask which protects me from the sun and sand
>disappear into the radiant heat of the dunes
>die of dehydration 1 hour later
absolute fukkin cringe based berbers will never rehydrate you with camel milk when they come across ur bone dry ass faggot
Good. The stats are quite clear on why these violent run-ins occur.
Their tea are delicious. Anyone know where i can get an outdoor arab kit?
This might be the first time ever saying this an will probably be my last: You have to be 18 to post here, you cringy LARPer
>inb4 genetic "10/10" LARPers seethe