Human Behavior

Is there a biological reason as to why these faggots make this face? I have heard that they do this subconsciously to show they aren’t a threat.

Attached: A34016F1-6927-4986-A0DA-B902561682BD.jpg (680x680, 90.47K)

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No, very little of human behaviour is determined by biology. It's almost all down to environment.

It's a fear grimace

Attached: cd2.jpg (1041x908, 145.78K)

Based freudian retard

theyre just looking excited for a staged photo


I see it as a fake, exaggerated smile. like "look at how quirky and happy I am and definitely not under any social pressure to act a certain way"

That’s the fear grimace theory. Could be true.

But I think they do it to avoid criticism of their looks and how ugly they are so if they get called out they can just say “yeah, but I was obviously pulling a stupid face”.

Your worst then them.

they are too ugly for a proper smile or a candid photo so they go with the next best thing

Attached: soi.png (210x240, 5.89K)