Redpill me on abs

To anons who have abs, how hard was it to get them? Is diet, cardio, or ab excercises most important to get them?

I've heard they're also extremely hard to maintain, is that true?

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>To anons who have abs, how hard was it to get them?
Depends on your bf%

>Is diet, cardio, or ab excercises most important to get them?

>I've heard they're also extremely hard to maintain, is that true?
You have to want it


Also if you were skinny prior to lifting you’ll have a much easier time. I had a full blown six pack within 3 months of training. However, if your fat keep training them while you cut. Oh and user, there’s nothing like having something that the majority of other men can’t achieve, good luck bro!

>Is diet, cardio, or ab excercises most important to get them?
All three are very important though when it comes to abs cardio is mostly just there to support your diet
>I've heard they're also extremely hard to maintain, is that true?
Not that hard if your sole goal is to have visible abs, pretty hard if you have other goals. Having a very low bodyfat doesn't land itself to many thing else than wanting to be aesthetic

Always remember kids:
Abs on a skinny guy are like big tits on a fat girl

Based encouragement poster


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keked and checked and "just b urself" at the bottom

But I'm not 16 anymore who cares, I just cut once in a while until they kinda show and that's it, back to bulking and getting strong

Genetics. Even at 23% bf I clearly have abs even when relaxed. Some have to go

Clean cutting diet and ab exercises are kind of non-negotiable, unless you work in a high intensity job. I often hear that cardio is not necessary or even countereffective, but without cardio I get stuck at 15%. I could cut harder, but then I'd feel like shit. Getting on my rower four times per week for an hour makes me feel awesome and cutting with that cardio is insanely effective for me.

>23% bf I clearly have abs even when relaxed
lol ok fatty

All those 3.
I'm no longer doing cardio (used to swim on rest days) and they're already less defined.

post pics i'm curious. I'm a 14% with very little definition

He probably overestimates his bf% and/or has unusual fat distribution.

Fat guy who was fat as fuck during mid to late puberty here.

If you are skinny. Getting abs is easy as fuck. In fact skinny people should be banned from ever using the word "transformation" to describe their fitness achievements.

If you are fat. Getting abs is incredibly hard. It also depends on the kind of fat and how over time your skin molded over the fat (pooch).

the most abs i ever attained was a 2 1/2 pack and the first 2 abs could have just been from the ribcage. The rest are there , i feel them. But they cant be seen from the skin.

If your skin is stretched its even worse. since skin tension allows abs to really pop.

Unless you build inches all around your body with muscle. You will likely never get that "pop" you see hot guys have

you already have abs, all you need for them to show is to loose fat and you can do that with diet alone. but its a good idea to train them tho, it may make them look better and a strong core is GOAT

Yeah but low bf% without any actual ab excercises is just gonna make you look skinny, not muscular

yeah i agree but the question was just how to make the abs show

All my fat goes to my thighs and ass. My scale says I have 23% bf, I'm not so sure how accurate scales are for measuring bf% though.

they are great for measuring fat LOSS.

not measuring fat. use the numbers to track progress not the actual fat percentage.

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only way to make abs show

>have defined abs in the first place. This less genetics and more protein/muscle development. but genetics play a a part

>bodyfat. Its different for everyone when abs start showing up. But most fitness models are under 10% bodyfat

dyels fantasize about abs. Improve your whole body, and include cardio and the abs will come with time. Just remember spooky skeleton abs are only slightly better than skinnyfat mode.

It said I was at 14% in January when I started lifting.

How do you go about accurately measuring bf% other than weighing yourself in water? My fat distribution is hardly even so the collages I see posted here doesn't help.

This is the abs I want

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>weights are placebo

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if your scale thing is telling you 14% you really shouldnt worry about it. You are very close. Up your protein an obscene amount and keep working out.

I only started actually looking decent when i ate like 190g of protein regularly.

Not the actual weight, but the number on the plates. I.e. if you lift a DB that has "20lbs" on it but is actually only 15lbs you will still get gains close to the ones you'd have gotten if you had lifted actual 20lbs.
On a related note, the color of your DB matters also. Pink DB feel less heavy than same-weight black DB, hence why girls often use these girly pinky DB.

I was a skelly dyel in January at 63 kg (182cm) and now I'm at ~75kg so I was expecting a relatively higher bf% so I assumed going from 14% to +20% was very reasonable but I didn't see much fat added to my upper body . I doubt the majority of the weight I added came from putting on pure muscles. Especially since I eat +3000 kcal and ~200g protein a day.

I would rather be builtfat than look like this. This only works if you also are a successful musician.

if you are eating that much you need to workout harder and smarter.

it is 80% diet 20% exercise...if you have the discipline to get down to 10-12% bodyfat necessary to really see them then you have the discipline to stay there, fattys will never make it because they dont have the discipline... simple. for exercise time under tension is the most bang for your buck for abs, you can get them done in under 10min every other day.

>However, if your fat keep training them while you cut.
If I do this, will my abs be more apparent/defined once I hit my weight goal of 70KG? Currently 88KG...

Either way, what are the best ways to keep training abs from home? thanks

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I am this mode. I lift 5-6 days a week with mostly compounds and do abs 2-4 times per week, usually I forget because I'm in a homegym now. Also consume mostly meat and dairy and spend extended periods of time in the woods with very little to no food. Typical day would be 4 eggs with cheese for breakfast followed by a banana and coffee as preworkout. Post workout I would have a cheeseburger (either home made or from Culver's (tm)) and then probably a heaping bowl of granola before bed. Whey shake with 3 scoops, milk, and peanut butter like 2-4 times per week.

Doing PPL 5-6 days a week at the moment, I have seen some great results. Fat just won't be added on anything but my ass and thighs.


I've seen most of these memes here on Zig Forums except oxygen fasting and zyzz being alive in iceland
It's a pretty good iceberg nonethless, an instant classic

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>cockroach farming
>breaking into closed gym
>raising chickens under bed

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