Basic Fit COVID

Gyms re-opening in Belgium tomorrow.
Anyone know if Basic Fit posted a clear update to the gym rules somewhere?
The version of the official site has contradictions due to the COVID restrictions :
*Changing rooms are closed.
*No mention of changes regarding some standard rules : no bags or coats allowed in weight room. Changing shoes is required.
*Lockers are in the changing rooms, so can't store bag there.

What do?

Attached: basicfit.jpg (225x225, 5.25K)

I know at my gym, Sportoase;
The clothing rooms are closed, they scan your temperature before entering, need to make reservation in wich hour you want to come and workout. Luckily i non stop wear sport based clothing at work so i dont need to change clothing and just change shoes and have a small bag with me in the gym for my towel and drinks.
I think a mask is verplicht, but if i cant wprk out with that shit then its fuck off, im not passing out.

ga gewoon in je sportkleren, neem je sportschoenen mee. Gooi je je schoenen ergens neer, trek je je sportschoenen aan en klaar. Je gaat sporten, niet kamperen. Als je Frans spreekt hang je jezelf op.

>they scan your temperature before entering,

>go to gym on bike
>you are now too hot to enter


Masker is gelukkig niet verplicht bij Basic Fit.

Zo iets was ik van plan (+handdoek, aangezien dat ook verplicht is). Maar suckt als het regent.

> naar den Basic Fit gaan

Grootste kutfitness ooit makker



Oh ja want er is een verschil tussen de gewichten en apparaten van basic fit en fitforfree of zo

domme meme kneus

Ook de dichtstbijzijnde fitness, en goedkoop :)