Daily Reminder
Strenght, Honor, Wisdom and Bravado
Daily Reminder
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dis nigga dead tho
Look like a chad for me
Plato was the original chad
he was in the army
Thousands of years dead, yet we still talk about him.
nigga u talkin bout some dead ass guy I ain't talkin shit just clappin yo girls cheeks nom sayin?
iont got a girl user, nom sayin?
The Republic is probably the most based piece of literature ever written
Plato was a fascist before it was cool
>predicts how democracy will always end in disaster 2.5k years ago
>nobody learns from it and keeps trying democracy anyway
The world will never be a good place until we have philosopher kings like the 5 emperors period
Democracy will never elect geniuses, it elects charlatans and snake-oil salesmen
How can a below average intelligence population ever elect anybody of any worth
the roman republic was based
Fall of Carthage was the worst and best thing ever to happen to the republic, same as fall of the Soviet Union.
>The world will never be a good place until we have philosopher kings like the 5 emperors period
Yes smart man, very good. Now tell me how we will select for those philosopher kings. Keep in mind that of those kings, Hadrian was a genocide and Antonius Pius' crowning achievement was doing nothing. On top of that Marcus Aurelius was succeeded by Commodus, an emperor who wasn't just mediocre but stark raving mad. The biggest madman since Nero.
You can't just cry "muh philosopher kings" and leave the fate of entire nations up to the luck of the draw. Democracy, for all its flaws, at least holds its leaders directly accountable [spoiler]unconditional universal suffrage is a mistake though[/spoiler]
By definition the population as a whole has average intelligence, and people of average or lower intelligence can recognise greater intelligence. Your own stupidity is showing.
You're right about the charlatans and snake oil, though. Intelligence is not what people are voting for.
Bravado like boasting needlessly? Good virtue.
Guess this guy is not what Plato envisioned
The population of a single western country is not the average global intelligence quotient stupid
Nice historical knowledge you've got there, I'm sure you know what you're talking about and aren't just drinking Zig Forums koolaid
The real redpill is realizing Plato was right.
Nice contrarian opinion. Even taking into account the methods and biases of historiography at the time, a handful of facts we know almost for certain about Nero are
>The fact that after the great fire in Rome, he saw it fit to use the area where the fire raged to burn a gigantic palace for himself
>He brutally persecuted Christians
>He had his own mother killed
>He forced Seneca to commit suicide
Even the most positive and generous interpretation of Nero, which discounts a lot of the more extravagant affairs (Nero ordering the great fire of Rome, Nero fiddling during it, Nero participating in chariot races where he had twice the number of horses pulling his chariot and still lost but declared himself the victor nonetheless, Nero killing his own wife and having her replaced with a castrado lookalike et cetera), does not paint a positive image of the man. The only way to paint a positive image of Nero is to claim literally everything we know about him is wrong and that there's some secret history of a virtuous Nero that was lost to time. But that way I could make a hero out of every villain and a villain out of every hero if I so pleased.
Recommend me some Zig Forums literature. I've heard good things about Meditations and Sun and Steel, anything else i should get?
American Psycho lol
christians were like BLM or antifa of his time.
nero did nothing wrong
>the guy who got friend zoned so much that he pioneered the platonic relationship
kek not gonna take advice from this simp
>democracy holds its leaders accountable
Alright sport, you better go and scamper on home now, this website is 18+
Its widely accepted that Nero was not the person the early christians made him out to be. He was a capable administrator, not a "madman".
Meditations is a meme.
Read Plato then Aristotle. The Republic is a must-read. Then Symposium or Laws. Then Nicomachean Ethics.
>Its widely accepted that Nero was not the person the early christians made him out to be
Except most of the sources we have about him are Pagan historians like Tacitus, Cassius Dio and Suetonius. Other than the Book of Revelations, we actually have very little historical information about him from Christian sources.
And what do those sources say my scholar friend
>He was evil because he attacked Jesusfuckers
Boy, I've never heard that rhetoric spewed before.