How will corpse eaters cope this time?
How will corpse eaters cope this time?
>never not lying
Arnold died to us a long time ago. His younger self would slap him then fuck his old gf just to show he could
>corpse eaters
Is that a common slang among vegans/vegetarians?
My best friend from highschool has recently turned vegan and when we hung out (when I came back visiting my hometown) he would constantly mention that and specifically say corpse whenever the subject of eating meat was brought up
>he would constantly mention that and specifically say corpse whenever the subject of eating meat was brought up
You sound like facts offend you
Honestly who cares? The damage is already done. It's more offensive that he struggles so hard to still be relevant and I'm sure this isn't going to be the last humiliating attention stunt he pulls. I'd tell him to kill his publicist if he really wanted it that bad.
Nah, I don't care about it much. I just found it odd that he had the need to be overly blunt to force a shocking effect.
How does anyone even do veganism and workout? I felt like shit despite hitting my macros. Was supplementing B12 as well. Feels way better to eat meat.
This is what happens when you roid. When you get off of it you become a bitch boy that your former self wouldve hated.
By not giving a shit about celebs like a low test emasculated grass eater and enjoying my steak