Is financial gains also necessary to /makeit/ along with physical gains?

Is financial gains also necessary to /makeit/ along with physical gains?

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Obviosuly not. Middle class is /MakingIt/. Just be a good well rounded person, healthy and have a stable income in which you can provide for a family.

I have 300$ how do I make more

Having a bunch of money is useless if you dont know how to use it for good.

By getting a job fren.

I have less than $150 left. I was fired from my job back in March and haven't been able to find a job since. I wasn't approved for unemployment benefits for no good reason.

How do I make money in the stock market OP? Right now I'm trying to get customers through FB by offering wordpress websites for cheap prices but no one has accepted yet.

I love it how the incels here consider becoming a normie /makingit/


you're in the ideal position to take on a risk by investing

Make a professional looking website for yourself, instagram and facebook. Offer free consultation web calls like on zoom or skype. Create a plan of what you will demonstrate during conference call. Approach businesses especially small/ boomer tier at first using your professional looking socials. List yourself on fiverr too.

I feel anyone who makes more than $20K a year as making it. It's tough living on $10K a year while being 35 years old.

Having a well paid job until you can secure a passive income from investments, then tapering off the job as you become able to live off your passive income source is when you've /madeit/.

That's some really good advice user, thank you. I've completely forgotten about fiverr and discarded instagram because I didn't think of it as a business hub.

Of course. Everyone should invest some of their money either in stocks, mutual funds, etfs, etc. However, thats just part of it. Ultimately you should make a budget every month and live within your means first. Then get out of debt as fast as possible by living like a penny pinching pauper. Never take on debt you don't need. After that you can use your income to its fullest extent, after all your income is your biggest wealth building tool. Put some in savings and some in assets. That could be real estate, precious metals, bonds, mutual funds but avoid day trading and single stock buying unless you're very knowledgeable (you probably aren't as knowledgeable as you think).

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the middle class are in constant fear. They are above average wagies that are at the mercy of the company. I.e. if they stop providing value to the marketplace, it's back to the drawing board in all aspects financially and maybe even spiritually as they reassess themselves

financial gains means better food, home equipment, better clothes, and better quality of life.

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Problem is you need money to invest, so it’s not a poor man’s game. $1,000 could be better spent elsewhere if that’s a large portion of your spending money

You're welcome fren, you should ask Zig Forums for more advice. It's mostly crypto shilling and p&ds but there's some online Zig Forumsnessmen

>discarded instagram because I didn't think of it as a business hub.

You'll find TONS of small businesses without a website on instagram. Trawl through business motivators comment sections on instagram like Gary Vee, you'll find accounts of people who own a business (they're often tagged in their bios) and you'll find actual business accounts.7

I've never done this but I thought it was a good idea, good luck bro.

If you're making less than at least $40k a year past 30, then you have only yourself to blame.

Just keep investing, bros

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Buy stocks, sell after they gain but before the market crashes again due to covid second wave. Second wave will be twice as bad as first, but stocks will recover more quickly than the crash in March, so buy again while they're on sale and sell after recovery for quick money.

Fucking cope

Thanks man, it's disheartening being broke all the time.
I do blame myself, I'm not blaming neither the government nor society for the hole I'm in. But acknowledging this alone won't fix my situation so I have to continue doing things to make more money.


Okay Zig Forums, here’s a secret in order to make it. Buy $GHOST cryptocurrency and you’ll be set for life.

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Like spending that money on a one time vacation, some video games and food? No thanks, I’d rather make some financial and physical gains

that's like a entry level pay for any uni based degree in here in eu.
I dont even have a job and I wanna kms tbqh with you (not really though but almost)
that's not even a making it pay for fuck sake. 100k+ and you would be pretty above average

if you arent economically independent fully you havent made it
for me that means roughly 1.000.000$ and I could live off the interest after taxes without cashing anything out and get an average salary out every month in my country
maybe it would differ from place to place. if you wanna reach full baller status obviously you need to up this amount quite a bit.

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don't be retarded with options, crypto, or penny stocks. throw your money into a diversified ETF consisting of bonds & stocks, both domestic and international and don't look at it again for 20 years.

Only 1 of those numbers is real

Don’t listen to this retard. Countries can go into negative yield and at that point your bonds are worth jack shit.

I can’t be fucked investing, I live a frugal life. I’m still using an iPhone 6.

Wtf is the point if I find no good feelings of material products? I’d be happy to live in a 1BR apartment for the rest of my life.

Maybe it’s depression or maybe it’s being “woke” but material objects don’t give me any positive emotions

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am i tripping or is there a dan bilzerian behind the dan bilzerian, the guy in the white shirt

Investments don't have to be for buying products, they can also buy free time. You can use the money to reduce your work hours or quit working entirely and never have to worry about money again

Think of it like that. By investing you don't actually "make" money, you simply avoid losing money.
By putting your money into savings account that offers an interest return that is at least equal than the annual inflation rate, you make your $10 of 2020 be still worth $10 in 2021, and no only $9. People who hoard money in their checking are so financially illiterate it hurts

The point is the bank is using your funds to invest and fucking you over. Look up fractional reserve banking:

If you're gonna do that, then you should have the invested funds spread across a 401K, a Roth IRA, and an HSA (all maxed out) so that Uncle Sam can't spend it on the wall. OP posting Robinhood implies that he wants to try picking stocks, which isn't necessarily bad provided he's already done the above. I made a decent buck off pandemic meme stocks for remote productivity and e-commerce, the two-day jump in gun shares last week, stuff like that. But don't play with anything you aren't willing to lose.
It's about being dependent or independent. I don't want to live my life in fear of losing my job and going broke - as a worker, I'm at the mercy of my employer. My goal is to retire as early as I can, get the yoke off me ASAP. Besides, not investing is tantamount to losing money - savings accounts pay interest below inflation, and it's easy as shit to dump the money in ETFs and let it grow as long as you're not touching it anyway. And it's good to have money because sometimes you fucking need it.

I already barely work. 1 day a week.

Interest rates are so low, what do they offer? like 1.8% max? Why lock away my money with a bank for 1.8% annually?

Who gives a shit. We ain't going to live forever. Do you really think you're going to give a shit about all this when you're of old age, and have 10-20 years left in life while you're frail and shit? lmao.


Yes financial gains are important. Just like fitness you need to set goals for your finances which you aspire to meet. This can be many things, it's not just restricted to accumulating wealth. Financial gains for some people could be paying of all dept and living dept free, it could be living off the grid outside of the system of money, it can be proper investment to have excessive money, ect. Remember that money does not buy happiness, it buys freedom and time for you to pursue happiness.

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Of course.
Slavery is still legal OP, it's called employment.

The vast vast majority of people should not try to beat the market. Invest in index funds and just coast. Retire at a reasonable age and be happy. Living on knife edge of buy and sell isn't for people without disposable income and I certainly wouldn't invest your entire future funds into it. View your investments as locked cash for a minimum of 5 years - ideally much longer.
Some of the advice here is a larp ...

I guess what im trying to say here is. Money only really matters if you have it in your teens,20s, maybe 30s. If you're some old guy in your 40s/50s/60s and older, you're an old man now, your life is basically over, you're just waiting to die after that point.

Do you honestly think becoming a millionaire at 50, is the same as being a millionaire at 20?

Its like having kids at 50, you're not going to be able to be the same kind of father to your kids compared to if you had them at 20-25. You'll be an old cunt.

I've seen enough older "financially well off" guys to know its not the "secret to happiness in life" like young guys make it out to be.

I just cant respect the guys who are 20-25 looking at 30-40 year investments. So you can rich age 55-65 and have a few million in your nest egg? So what, you're an old fart at that point. I actually respect guys in their 20s that get rich quick and make it big then, and enjoy life at their peak age, not as some old boomer.

Just dont even try and pull that redpill cope at me about "men peaking at 50" bullshit, just dont even fucking try that here, Im not some retard normie.

What app is that?

B-but Jordan Peterson says that happiness stops increasing after making over $60k annually...

spending that money on courses, education, finding a career, upgrading your skills