How 2 escape skinnyfat mode. Brought to you by OCB, trip of Zig Forums past

How 2 escape skinnyfat mode. Brought to you by OCB, trip of Zig Forums past

>step one: Do SL until linear progression stops. Don’t eat like a hog and at MOST do a 500 calorie surplus
>Step two: Do the split shown in the OP for about 2 years, and then switch to a PPL
>step three: use albuterol to cut down to very low bodyfat
>step four: continue lifting, lean bulking and cutting with albuterol or Clen if you’re feeling cheeky for like 4 years

Done. No need to thank me

Attached: 594373DE-4E16-42AB-BC97-A5448DCD9F67.jpg (1060x1764, 388.56K)

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Any drug free version

Yeah, just do exactly what is written but don’t use Clen or albuterol. It’s gonna take longer though

left is not skinny-fat in the slightest

If you're taking drugs it literally does not matter what you do

>3 sets of leg curls a week
>2 exercises for front delts on shoulder day even though they get hit on chest day too
>no hammer curls
>nothing for rear delts
Absolute shit of a program, it's all jsut noob gains + roids + eating right. He would've done much better in that time period if he just ran a proper PPL 6 days a week from the start, especially considering he roided, and the fact that he has good genetics as can be seen in pic on the left.

Every pull works rear delts

Not skinny fat. Irrelevant advice.

what the fuck is SL?

Thats like saying squats work abdominals. Your technically not wrong but the degree of EMG activation is so insignificant you need to incorporate other exercises.

Look at biceps, that gets worked on pull exercises too right, Shoulders get worked on all pushes, yet op pic isolates them as well, why? Same reason as above.

Nevermind, I'm retarded.

How in the fuck do you do lateral raises?
My shoulders must be absolute dogshit because I can't do them even with 10's without my left shoulder becoming a nightmare.

>leg ext/leg press
Which is it? Both?

My knee is fucked and I can't do squats anymore. I hate it. I loved doing squats.
No other exercise really fucks with it though, just squats - deadlift is no prob.
Wat do?

He didn’t roid. Albuterol is not a steroid, it’s a beta-2 agonist, and that’s all he used that can be considered “unnatural”

Ok, he didn't roid, he used PEDs. Whatever, what I said in regards to the program still stands.

gibs optimal program

>Thats like saying squats work abdominals. Your technically not wrong but the degree of EMG activation is so insignificant you need to incorporate other exercises.
Look at rear delt activation in row vs rear delt fly

Any program that allows you to bring every muscle 1-3 reps short of failure anywhere from 10 to 20 times (sets) a week.
In other words, PPL 2 times a week.

>In other words, PPL 2 times a week.
What does that mean, exactly?
I know PPL, but what does 2 times a week mean? LIke, go through the full cycle (push-pull-legs) in any given week?

You literally just proved his point. It's an Upright Row, not a regular BB row, and the rear delt raise has higher activation.

>LIke, go through the full cycle (push-pull-legs) *twice in any given week?


Monday- Push
Tuesday - Pull
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Push
Friday - Pull
Saturday - Legs
Sunday - Rest

>just take test and roll on skateboard bro

I'm talking about the bodyweight row, 182 peak activation

>just roid and workout for like 10 years

Got it.
Doesn't that wear you the fuck out though?

I've been doing a shit-tier program M/W/F and I'm usually pretty beat up.

PPLPPLx would wear me out after while, PPLxPPL I could run indefinitely

Just to clarify its really
PPLxPPLxPPLxPPLx... etc, yeah?

So like, M/T/W, Th rest, F/S/S, M rest, T/W/Th, F rest, etc?

I did the reddit ppl when the gyms were open and my ohp and bench completely came to an abrupt stop at 60/105 (pounds) and my squat and deadlift continued increasing linearly until the gyms closed. I ate more and more but they just stayed there, and I got kinda fat. What do when the gyms open?

Yes fag. You destroyed your body for years and now it’s going to take years to rebuild it. Reap what you sow.

I'm 140 lb fuckwit and I was still almost to 180 before I crapped out pre-covid.
I'm with you on OHP though, was over 100 there but my shoulder started getting completely fucking jacked and I had to stop doing it. Would like to know if there's an alternative.

How much were you eating, and what?

albuterol is asthma medication, so how does that help with cutting?

yes, 3 days on 1 day off repeat forever


It would appear alb/clen increase metabolism, so you're burning off more calories without actually doing more work.

Nobody I know does bodyweight rows. OP pic doesn't do bodyweight rows. If you want to do bodyweight rows for rear delt development, go ahead. But it just seems like you are strawmanning at this point.
Example of a pull day:
Lat Pull Down: 3x8-12
BB row 3x8-12
Seated Row 3x8-12
BB curl 3x8-12
Hammer curl 3x8-12
DB alternating curl: 3x8-12
Reach near failure on all exercises in the 8-12 rep range. What near failure means is that you feel that in the next 1-3 reps your form will fail and you will not be able to get a full contraction without cheating, throwing in momentum, making other body parts work, etc.
Repeat that 2 days later and you are at 18 sets for those body parts for the week. That seems like too much? I'm natty and I recover just fine. I would post pics for back up but I'll just get blamed for being a roider even though I'm natty and just have god like genetics and I'm consistent with this shit. I've done it in the past, it's the same every time.
Depends what your goals are. Are you more concerned with being strong or with your muscles being big? Because it's already been even scientifically proven that training for strength does not necessarily make your muscles big. So if you are doing 60/100 for decent reps, without cheating and near failure, I wouldn't worry about it and I wouldn't get fat just so I can push the numbers up. Also, if you are a girl, you shouldn't even bother with bench to be honest.

>How much were you eating, and what?
Didn’t count calories in the beginning, but did towards the end when I wasn’t making progress on those lifts. I went from 148-160 from December to February, then got to 170 counting calories and then the gyms closed. Always made sure to get my protein in, and when I started as a beginner in December I started with the bar on bench and ohp.

I don’t care at all about being strong yeah, I’m all about aesthetics but I figured that with my numbers so shit maybe I should get out of the novice phase to build a “strength base” like people on here say before diving into a split.