Greeks tought that we should train for the beauty of the body, strenght and honouring the gods

>Greeks tought that we should train for the beauty of the body, strenght and honouring the gods
>Romans tought that training for beauty was effeminate and that we should only train for War, strenght and for the god of War, the father Mars

Who he is in the right ?

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>Who he is in the right?
go away

greeks obviously

dont care faggot
anwser the question

The conquered half the known world, unlike greeks who just kept buttfucking eachother

aesthetics is the intelligent man’s endeavour therefore it‘s the greeks

Greeks conquered a lot of land to
they went from greece to the border of india and china

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literally trivial shit, no one was as idealistic as you think

Romans won.

But some say that greeks won back by the ideas
Is this true or a simply a cope ?

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Romans were right.
Nothing is more based than training to conquer.
If only the jews didn't invent guns for the weak.

>Greeks trained for beauty

Oh that is why all original olympic disciplines were important things in war?
Jumping over walls, throwing stones and spears, wrestling, boxing, fencing.
I see.

This. What is life for if not experiencing and creating beauty?

The Greeks of course
t. Actual Greek person

kys, jew

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Fuck off
t. Actual Roman

Actually your dichotomy is completely off-base. Fitness for war and the aesthetic appreciation went hand in hand in Athens, as art and beauty where seems as bestowed by nature which was the results of the gods.
There was not one Greek civilisation that did not see war as a necessity, hence why the Illiad was seen as the basis for all education.
The Spartans didn’t even allow artistic expression and trained only for war and as essentially worship of their ancestors and gods.

Even Plato who expressed in the Phaedo that philosophy is essentially dying well; detaching yourself from earthly desires and contemplating pure forms, goes on to define the perfect city in the Republic as ordered around philosopher kings with an immediate under strata of Auxiliary warriors: both men and women who have no individual property and are tasked with protecting and invading when necessary.

War was never far from the Greek mind and the interpretation that they were all fags who lounged around and lifted weights for mires is a curated image by closeted homos in the 19th century.

>Jumping over walls

Greeks were fags who molested little boys
Romans were retarded good goyim who sucked jewish dick and killed everyone who disrespected jews

Greeks were pedofaggots
Romans were the greatest empire to have ever existed at the moment
Non-meme answer: training for strength and war already gives you the beauty and aesthetics, so training purely for looks IS for women

>he can't even jump 12 feet to assault a city

don’t mind me, just posting this picture.

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>Never heard of pole vault

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>romans were good goyim
t.absolute retard
learn about Hadrian and the bar khokba revolt

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They are both right.

Worshipping greek gods, studying greek philosophers, and speaking greek (among the upper classes). Caesar wasn't speaking Latin when he crossed the Rubicon.

Pole vaults are not an ancient discipline

Both were right. You should primarily train for war and victory, but there are secondary things to train for

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Citation needed. Because this is honestly bullshit kek.

Nah it's well established

these help by expanding pics are for gigasoi larpers

Greeks. Strength is beautiful.


I’m not biased at all but I will say Greek is better.

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I don't know about that. Reports show that Greek parties sent to Rome to ask for the favor of the senators had a hard time finding someone who could actuallyspeak Greek, most would speak as well as your current day Indian immigrant speaks English.

damn now I can't laugh at it anymore, otherwise I'll have a neckbeard

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