Is it possible with a physique like this (skinny fit) have a good punch (asking for self defence)

Is it possible with a physique like this (skinny fit) have a good punch (asking for self defence).

Attached: 6C05A75A-46D6-4C4B-99BA-E5BB6F833F95.png (500x552, 581.22K)

throwing a good punch is mostly technique

Okay thank you. Ill go to boxing.

You could literally just google the top ten of any combat sport, not many of them can carry much muscle

Yeah i just wanted to know if i can knock out a big guy. Im a manlet and im skinny and i just want to get fit a little bit. Dont want to be big because it will look cartoonish.

Yes, very much so.

The only ripped fighters are heavyweight boxers, MMA-fags and lower weight boxers do not carry much mass at all. It's all about technique, agility and quickness

weight classes are a thing for a reason. skinny guys can only exert so much force behind a punch or kick where as a heavyweight boxer can obliterate your skull


As Conor said in a post fight interview "timing beats speed and precision beats power". It's mostly perfecting technique and keeping your calm. Both done with repetition.

he's not asking if he'd have a chance against Anthony Joshua.

Not just technique. A lot of it is structural. Guys with lanky arms can snap a long hook round for example but will have trouble throwing a shorter one

Can you knock out a big guy if you know how to fight? Yes.

Can you knock out a big guy who can fight too? Technically yes, but he'll be at a huge advantage


>precision beats power
lol no

Attached: 960x0.jpg (960x656, 84.99K)

Cringe conorfag

Inb4 mandatory just carry a gun post

That's because they have shit technique. You just have to add more shoulder and rotation if you want a shorter hook.

>get big
bold words from a proclaimed skinny manlet

>arguing about punching
>posts wrestling
Why are you so retarded?

Why did you choose McGregor as your example for how to throw a punch?

Attached: mayweather-mcgregor-punchf-ace.jpg (1200x675, 114.04K)

Just get a gun

check out ryan garcia


Attached: 15h6478964h45da36.jpg (887x476, 203.56K)

what kind of question is this? Ask a middleweight boxer to punch you in the face and then come back and ask if they have a good punch.

Okay. I got you all. I need to learn technique. How much time on average i need to got it? Month? Year? Eternity. Keep in mind that im not some incel retard and i learn pretty quick. Also i know that against Anthony Joshua all i need to do is to spray pepper in his face because in a fist fight i would simply die. Or just run. Im talking about average encounter with bydlo.

Conor is a once in a lifetime fighter, breaking barriers that people didn't even fuckign KNOW existed and you come on here and just to disrespect him like that? He was doing world tours at a time when most people didn't even know what UFC was global perspective, selling out every arena worldwide and not just talk, HE BACKED IT UP. Finishes every single stylistic matchup possible, against some of the greatest of all time like it's nothing, and then as if that's not enough moves up a weight class and dominates the undisputed champion like he's playing with a toy and still you talk? And he did it all with the most grueling media schedule of any fighter, with the most scrutiny and most pressue, plus having to fly to different time zones messing with his circadian rythm, which if you didn't know , is a big fucking deal for one's precision especially when you base a fighting style around it. So I don't want to hear it. Most people would have just been content with the money, but he kept pushing boundaries and people say he's washed? Look at the 145 division, people were calling it a disaster when he was champ because there was "no competition" but now there are contenders left and right and you know why? He made everyone else look that bad adn could still be doing it to this day if he wanted to. But because he actually took a risk you want to throw insult? I'm done, reevaluate your life

OP's question has been mostly answered, but it is important to remember the saying that "punchers are born, not made". Certain folks have the body structure for a ridiculous punching power (think Foreman, Wilder, Marziano, Hearns, etc). You can become a very good boxer despite not having that (Ali didn't have it, Fury doesn't have it), and you can deliver strong punches, but that devastating KO some guys posses has a lot to do with their genetics.

Dont derail my childish and pure and naive questions with your obsession over other men.

Thanks for the pasta

How do i know if i have this genetics? I only punched once and it was kinda a sucker punch (even tho i was just infront of him he just didnt expect that) and the next day his face was messy from that one punch. He had a big fucking thing on his cheek.

What do you mean until you get it? To do what? Mist people can knock out a guy who doesnt defend himself with one punch without training if youre not retarded. If you want to become good at sparring boxing you need a few months if you train at least two times a week and start sparring early. Also remember, street fights are retarded and no combat sport will prepare you for it

You can't really tell until you start training. Phelps would have never known he had the physique to become the best swimmer if he didn't start swimming — and that's a more straightforward affair than boxing.
Just get started, and if you're a punching phenom, your sparring partner or your coach will comment on it. If you aren't, don't sweat it, there's more to boxing than stopping power.

That was a nice thread thank you all. Mods! Clean this shit. No tips.