I want to uh.....you know....be able to...achieve this position....for research...
How do I become more flexible?
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Fuck off underage faggot
>How do I become more flexible
Mandatory imagine the smell
you still won't be able to suck your 5 inch dick like this
Have sex incel
If you snuck up on her, she wouldn't have enough time to unlock her legs and resist you properly if you just dove your nose and tongue in there.
if you did it from a 69 pposition she would be powerless, this is why i study ju jitsu
doing the splits is based
Thanks to the flexibility, I can suck my cock myself, the truth is very nice
I hope my story can motivate you user.
Looking for this pic but of a girl
this guy sniffs
you dont, try having a longer dick
fucikin dgenerates
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this shitty faggot board? It’s full of faggots, soft core porn posters, and incels who’ve never lifted a day in their lives. Go to Zig Forums or Zig Forums if you want to be a nigger.
If you aren't scrolling through Zig Forums looking only for provocative thots and skipping over all the shirtless dudes, idk what to tell ya u might be gay friend
You can see her vaginal pussy lol
*BBRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP* ooh mommy, oooh *BREEEEEEPP* Please just one more my love **pffttttbbBBBRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP** Oh yes, my dear. Quite pungent indeed! SNIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFF
how about next time you go research somewhere else.
Can you not post the roast beef? Your dick is too small for that anyway.
guys, imagine if she farted hahah wouldnt that be funny?? hahahh