Is your amount of muscle mass directly proportional to your desire to fuck black women with big butts? I'm thinking so
Is your amount of muscle mass directly proportional to your desire to fuck black women with big butts? I'm thinking so
can confirm
God damn
I'm rather skinny and I still wanna fuck black women w big butts so I don't know about that
Hi Alex
Even though big butts is a black women characteristic, I like it much more on other races.
>tfw no 8x6 to fuck her doggy
I'm muscular but i only stick my BAC in white girls
To answer your question OP i think it has more to do with your testosterone levels. I'm a complete skeleton but fit black women drive me crazy.
no such thing chinky winky
Contrary to the libtard numales, there is no racial bigotry in me. I can and WILL skeet in all asses: black, white, mongolian, hell even Jewish broads can get it.
I am the anti-racist. Every girl feels equally worthless after I'm done.
No, small brain size is directly proportional tho
other asian user here
i guarantee i have a bigger dick than you white boy
Girl with similar body type at my apartment gym always mirin and smiling saying hello. Worried though because she wears one of those muffin top holders, but still pretty hourglass in shape. Don't want just a fatty.
Don't know if I should approach or not.
6'4" and white btw. Dyel by fit standards.
I'm part asian and have a 8.5" dong while 6'6" tall. It's dat western nutrition
>libtard numales
>no racial bigotry
racism is high test and high iq
My dick isn't racist. My heart however is racist, and my brain antisemitic
post cock
Enjoy AIDS
No idea how folks don't want to fuck black women
HIV transmission rates are a fraction of a percent
STDs are not that big of a deal brainlet
Or as I call it, Ganeshas Trunk
That's not saying much tho
The smell, the neighbourhood they usually live in, the stigma and the submission fetishes/autism they display when you're a moderately attractive white man
That's a mulatto, most likely a quadroon. Also, they look like and act like monkeys.
Tatyana Ali is mixed black and Indian, same as Nikki Minaj.
So not black
>submission fetishes/autism they display when you're a moderately attractive white man
literally the best part
kek i can't tell which one is occurring:
>black genes are so low-tier that pajeet genes are an upgrade
>pajeet genes are so bottom of the barrel that even black will benefit their pool
Black is black bois
all racemixing is bad desu. We're all better off with our own.
Legit based