Gf cooked me high protein/ low carb cookies after coming back from the gym

>gf cooked me high protein/ low carb cookies after coming back from the gym

When was the last time your gf/wife baked you high protein cookies??

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The only gf I had lasted a month and I broke up from her cuz I realized she's chubbier than I thought
fuck u user ya lucky motherfucker

my what now

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About two weeks ago

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my gf never cooks but she does outearn me by a lot and takes me out to meals

I am happy for you brother, but I have never had girl at age 25. I really want to as there is nothing physically wrong with me, just a bit love shy. We will all make it.

>tfw no gf
None of the girls I've dated in the past could cook worth a shit. It's pretty sad that I can cook better than them and i only learned how a couple years ago kek

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barely any girls cook anymore. 100% of the good cooks in my friend group are the guys, the girls all "don't know how to cook" aka they're lazy.

Sounds like you know shit girls

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>>gf cooked me high protein/ low carb cookies after coming back from the gym
>When was the last time your gf/wife baked you high protein cookies??

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how is it working user?
I've been providing while she finishes vet school but once she's done im gonna get out-earnt too.
Girl is crazy for me so im not scared of she leaving me, but still think it could get weird


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i use my hands to make food every day

Kys fag

>rejected a girl today
she wouldn't have made me cookies anyway

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I don't have a gf...

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Yeah ive never had one but i've never sadposted about it on Zig Forums like 99% of this boards users seem to do. Theres more important things to worry about like finances and the current communist revolution taking place in the US.

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>I don't have a gf...

lol what are you? a fag??

Protein pancakes for me last week. Love my petite Turkish girl

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haha good joke user

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I occasional help my landlord do maintenance around his properties. One place that has two late 20's/early 30's sisters living in it needed the toyo heater changed. They've been there for a couple years now, and their cooking stove was just being used as counter space, and the trash can lived in front of the oven. They exclusively order out and microwave stuff. Disgusting broads have garbage bags piled up in their driveway, which I offered to take to the dump, but they declined.

This society is in bad shape.

A) she want more dick from you
B) she s feel guilty for something and the cookies its some psichologic bypass of guilt
C) if a its true she cooked them with pussy hair

>pussy hair
Period blood.

lmao having a gf is reddit now? major cope

99% of girls know how to make smoothies and sourdough bread and that's it

I'm too paranoid about having a gf who will get fat from complacency and try to drag me down with her

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>tfw gf is a vegan keto fitness "Influencer" on the side on instagram
>all she knows how to make is really healthy food
>it doesn't always taste that great

Fuk bros, I'm blessed but cursed at the same time cause sometimes I just want my gf to make me a delicious burger or something

Fuck you

>vegan keto
wtf? So she only eats nuts?

Definitely B


Seiten, tempeh, tofu

No she’s a fat lazy bitch. So I cheat on her. Cheaper to keep her.

>gf is a vegan keto fitness "Influencer" on the side on instagram

You stupid cuck.

This. Even a lot of middle aged women I meet at work can't fucking cook. I'm personally not interested in cooking as a hobby but I can still do it.

Like how the fuck are you a grown ass adult and you can't even prepare a meal for yourself?

Not based, but definitely redpilled.

glad my gf is in the 1%. She cooks so much delicious asian food

>Like how the fuck are you a grown ass adult and you can't even prepare a meal for yourself?

Probably because since the first day their boobs grew they had a constant stream of SIMPs ready to take them out and buy them food, so they never actually had to cook for themselves.

>really healthy food
Define "healthy". Everything she's making is fluff.