Gf is a gains goblin

>gf is a gains goblin
>my family is a gains goblin
it's like God doesn't want me to be swole. wat do?

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You do not have a gf

Punch god in the face

Show god nothing can stop you

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Unless by family you mean your own children then you don't know how bad gains goblins get. 30yearoldboomer here

You grow a pair and move on from all of them

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my mouth is wattering, I need toes in my mouth rn

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Overcome and do it anyway

You have to get ANGRY
You let them know THIS IS NOT A GAME
You have to love and nurture your GAINS

>your own children

Kids are massive gains goblins when they're little as they kill your sleep, but after that what's excuse? Time? Just incorporate your fitness into their lives -- this is good for them anyways as it shows the dedication necessary to stay in shape. Home gym is a must as you can't take toddlers to a real gym.