Whats the point in doing anything for your appearance if time will wipe it all away anyway?

Whats the point in doing anything for your appearance if time will wipe it all away anyway?

The human flesh has no intrinsic value

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 4.13.58 pm.png (1080x1202, 1.87M)

momentary glory

And just like that, the age of Chico was over

Everything matters because the time is coming.

Why not just kys? You’re gonna die eventually anyway

That isn't an unreasonable question. Why shouldn't I?

You know what vanity means in Christian philosophy? Google vanitas.

what’s the point of doing anything? what’s the point of sleeping and eating and pissing and shitting and breathing? fuck off

Because you could make changes to make your life better and more happy. The future is a blank slate.

planned parenthoods paychecks rely on the intrinsic value of human flesh