What are the best exercises for throwing faggots and trannys off buildings?

What are the best exercises for throwing faggots and trannys off buildings?

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Thot patrol cardio and 100 Roman salutes

Start when they are young.

Deadlifts, high pulls, stone lifts, chin ups, and bench press

just move to the middle east, you learn to do so at a young age. practice throwing rocks at fags

Islam.sounds comfy.
Plus they treat women properly.
And no blacks and no jews.

ISIS weren't really that bad in hindsight to the shit we have to put up with now. I'd gladly trade the deranged muslim fuckwits for the current disgusting mess of niggers and faggots.

i can't imagine how much it must suck to have your brain. do you just seethe and loathe when you are alone with your thoughts? srs question.

muslim arab here, and i agree with him. cope kike