Thread for all vegans and people interested in the vegan lifestyle.
Veganism is the healthiest, environmental friendliest and overall best diet in existence.
The majority of scientific studies proved the benefits of veganism.
Vegans are taller, stronger, healthier, smarter, simply better than meat eaters.
Anybody can become vegan, there is absolutely nothing you cannot get on a vegan diet. People telling you otherwise are not able to search on the Internet.
Vegan: Killing an animal for food is equivalent to killing a fellow human being for no useful purpose.
Vegan: Hunting wild animals who live healthy lives is no more morally correct than eating factory farmed animals who are tortured and unhealthy.
Vegan: a plant based diet is healthy, therefore one must be fanatical about never once ever eating meat. Even once. Or any animal products. If you ever eat any sort of animal product, it completely undoes however many years you have of eating healthy and living healthy and immediately kills you.
Vegan: Taking pleasure in hurting animals is bad, but its ok when vegans take pleasure in the death of someone who ate meat.
Nathaniel Watson
Xavier Smith
Murder only applies to people, retard. And by people I mean white Christians.
James Taylor
wrong, harming animals is illegal almost anywhere in the world