I'm trying to stock a home gym with low-cost high-utility implements

I'm trying to stock a home gym with low-cost high-utility implements.
Are these a good investment?

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They r a must

experts swear by them

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Tip: Don't google "Fournier's gangerene"

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I'm doing that between 2 chairs, and before anyone says anything. I put a heavy box with water on each so they are stable.

Yes,you should also buy a pull-up bar and 2 adjustable dumbbells

Wooden rings if you have where to fix them

Yeah they are super good.
It's too bad there isn't something like a compact, collapsible set of parallettes that can go really high.

short of a barbell + proper power rack, a power tower is the best bang for your buck piece of equipment for upper body. don't fall for the meme doorframe pull up bar, they are wobbly af and won't let you add any meaningful weight

Attached: power tower.jpg (307x600, 19.2K)

Yeah I can take about an hour on the Tower of Power

don't be a retard like me and buy one of those fixed dip bars, they take up way too much room and cant be adjusted or even be used as a straight bar

i do it with chairs too , but no need for water boxes.

i still do want those dip station tho, seems better and you can do more , like laying on the ground straight and pull up upwards ..

this is all you need

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As long as i gets a little golden shower

>Fournier's gangerene
Jesus, how do you even get something like that?

By sharing child sexslaves from third world countries with other sodomists

I would literally give up sex if this happened to me.

>room with no ventilation besides the window the sun directly faces
yeah, enjoy working out in there retard

its just the camera retard, theres a tree literally in front of that window

It looks like you’ll eat shit on those bars one day but maybe not.

lmao you will melt in there in the humid heat
then your motivation to workout will fade too

you do realise its basement level right? with 30 degrees outside its like 20 in the basement

I just diy'd some pvc ones because chair dips are getting too easy and I don't trust my chairs with added weight.

i'd argue rings are much better so long as you've got a place to hang them from. ring dips are much better than regular dips in my opinion, plus with rings you can do a lot of exercises.

>don't fall for the meme doorframe pull up bar
Don't tell them this. I need more compilations of these failing and hitting retards in the face.

I bought one in preparation for covid it broke immediately

>not making fortitude gains

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Finally cleaned your room, how's your nan?

after weeks of searching I've found a barbell on craigslist, I'm gonna make it bros!!!!!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-13 Rusty curl bar and 57 barbell - sporting goods - by owner - sale.png (610x510, 250.93K)

great find user. make sure to not wear gloves (you're not a woman, aren't you?) and not fall for the tetanus vaccine meme

When I was looking at these I couldn't find any high enough to do inverted rows.
If you're short or can find some tall enough they should be all right. Otherwise I would go with a fixed dip stand instead.

just do your dips with two chairs.
I usually put weight plates on them, or books/water jugs to weight them down.


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