>el come huevos
El come huevos
What did he mean by this?
OP es stupido
por supuesto que como huevos
huevos rancheros de hecho
>huevos rancheros
De esos que chocan contra la barbilla, ¿no?
De esos que chocan entre sí ;]
n-no homo
"Él" lleva tilde puto sudaca de mierda. En este caso, tú serías "el" come huevos, sin tilde
"el" could be correct
>él come huevos
he eats eggs
>el come huevos
the eggs eater
Just let the joke be, nobody actually gives a shit about the intricacies of your third world monkey language
>when monkeys use a more complex language than you
Is this the 90s or some faggot meme
comete mis huevos
Bro you couldnt understand the true complexities of latin so you monkeys dumbed it down dont even
tfw mexico is more obese than the us
Si, yo como muchos huevos. Como descobristes?
OP come pinga
>t. Monolingual retard.
No one gives a shit, yet Spanish has been constantly growing as a business language for decades, top kek.
I mean, I speak Spanish, English, French and Italian, but I guess that's too much for an American, isn't it?
What difference does it make if you can speak 50 languages? This website is in english, the entire fucking internet is in english, the entire fucking planet uses english as a globally recognized language.
It means that I'm smart, that I'll have better business prospects, thus higher probabilities of making more money (regardless of my career) and that I'm able to learn in depth about the culture of a country that I like and communicate with the locals in their native language.
You do realize my inherent prospects are like 10x better than yours just by virtue of living in a place where a single city generates a higher GDP than your entire insect country... So yeah, do your thing champ, keep racking in those millions at your 3 bucks an hour Pakistani tech startup
You don't even know where I'm from, kek, but it wouldn't surprise me that an American believes that Spanish is only spoken in Mexico.
Besides, if I want to make more money, I can always move to another country, and that's one scenario where languages come in handy.
Shut the fuck up you’re acting like an idiot
Pretentious dickhead
>You don't even know where I'm from
By your knee jerk reaction to my post, and general sentence structuring, I can absolutely positively guarantee that you're from a trash country
eat shit
Pero no llores, puñetas
sos un gringo envidioso, cuántas copas tenés vos eh?
Butthurt spic
quien mierda usa acentos lol
Se dice tildes negro cabeza hijo de puta
I was born in a country that uses the metric system, isnt 70% african people and in which every house has a bidet. What about your country, my gringo?