I heard from this guy that 50% of U.K. women cannot convert beta carotene to vitamin A at all. Is there any truth to this statement?
Vegan vitamin A
Who cares?
Well, I'm a U.K. woman, so I care
No. Now fuck off, I've got work to do.
Stupid bitch
Yes, it is true beta carotene is a meme. It is one of the reason white women age like milk left in a hot car during summer.
Tits or gtfo.
Post feet
Yes. People with high blood sugar, diabetics, prediabetics or with certain gene do not make the conversion or less efficient at it.
Bottomline, plant nutrients' bioavailability sucks. You either left with less nutrients or have to up caloric intake. Only elite athletes who can eat like a whale get away with it. Eat animal foods.
Bioavailability is a simple equation or a simple petri dish test though (petri required in the USA) and nutrition facts printed on labels equate for bioavailability. Vitamin A isn't a common deficiency unless you have a SAD diet, in which animal foods are primarily eaten. Why are you lying?
Animal foods are primarily eaten on a SAD diet? Fuck right on off with that bullshit
most people only convert it at a rate of like 5%
Americans consume the most meat per capita. You could google this prior to making yourself look like a retard next time.
Lol, move goal posts much retard?
What? Americans have high vitamin A deficiency and eat the most meat per capita. That was the point of my first post. Are you blind or just mentally retarded?
>Is there any truth to this statement?
Why didnt you check out the sources he gave?
Just click the links in the description
Rope yourself tranny
>Bioavailability is a simple equation or a simple petri dish test though
If you believe your body's digestive system, distribution system and absorbtion system, with all its fine adjustments based on antinutrients and micronutrient opposition is as simple as a petri dish, youre retarded and probably thinks the body burns calories like a calorimeter in a lab
Based and Rogerpilled
Yes it's true. There was ONE study done in this, ONCE, and the entire "scientific community" has tried to ignore the findings for years.
UK women means white, so it is likely that all white European people have about a 50% chance they can convert beta carotene to fully formed vitamin A.
>What does this mean?
This means if you're white and you go vegan, 50% chance you will be vitamin A deficient flat out, this will damage your health, among all the myriad other reasons not to go vegan.
found the flat earther
Kind of unclear if the women had a reduced conversion or couldn't convert at all.
oi slag fancy a shag
>Americans consume the most meat per capita
No, its uruguay, but the most carnivorous people in the planet are hong kong if you consider animal products instead of just red meat, and they arent dying of heart attacks
Also, the SAD is plant based, 70% of its calories come from plant foods
pls be in london
literally impossible though since 2 rooms have an uneven number of doors, this have been proven mathematically to be impossible in such scenarios. Yes I have autism, how could you tell?
Always off.
probably the most based channel on the tubes
grains/flour/bread/french fries/soda all plant foods