It this an acceptable amount of chub?

It this an acceptable amount of chub?

Attached: 00900dc2883ef918c56d78f1fa40449d-imagejpeg.jpg (1080x1080, 175.6K)

that's not chub, its morbid obesity

If she's sweet and caring I don't mind

I wanna see her do keto and lose all that fat and hair simultaneously

If she's clean and doesn't smell then it's fine

Too much. I'd fuck it off of her, though.

That is an obese woman

Not only does her gut hang over the edge of her panties, it goes so far as to droop and rest there hanging.


Her pussy has no breathing room. It 100% smells like rotten fish and puke


I would smash with fury then be sad after cooming

No. I've fucked woman like this and after two or three times the novelty of putting you dick into a body with the consistency of a waterbed wears off

I'm a high test chubby lover but that's too much.

Attached: 1566517967344.jpg (1000x1373, 505.65K)

You're none of those things you lying incel faggot.

I want to see her eating

What the fuck are those markings on her outer right thigh

she's hot, but then again, I'm a filthy degenerate


Bruises and cottage cheese thighs.

Doesn't get me hard 0/10 absolutely disgusting

Is this an acceptable amount of chub?

Attached: getting into car.webm (640x800, 874.22K)

you mean obesity

Attached: lick.gif (498x280, 1.88M)


This is morbidly obese.

acceptable for muh dick

Dear God I could hear the suspension cry out in pain even without sound I felt it in my soul

She is perfect


>cottage cheese thighs.
kek that's a good one

>that belly
I'm taking the architect pill bros