I just realised I don't even chew my food I just swallow it whole. is that bad?

I just realised I don't even chew my food I just swallow it whole. is that bad?

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Based, how constipated are you?

based snake eating

It's fine if you're a snake or a certain type of bird.

You lose jaw gains. I use to only chew food on one side of my mouth and it sticks out much more.

>I just realised I don't even chew my food I just swallow it whole. is that bad?

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the snake of ill omen


the fuck is that snake eating? doesnt look like a bird

its a katydid you mong
its a relative of grasshoppers

dude i knew its a grasshoppers but what the fuck is wrong with that retarded snake why she is eating an incest instead of a human kid or something?

watch your fucking fuck retard.

what are you gonna do noodlefag? hess at me?

i will pull your dick off 4 limbed fuck

oh shut your fucking shitdoor up idiot. go lay some eggs or something LMAO

die khv with depression you an excuse of a human lol

the hell you you said faggot??

you heard me loud and clear fuckhead

wow what a piece of shit.

go kys

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whats worse than a frog poster? a snake frog poster
u kys

>whats worse than a frog poster? a snake frog poster
u kys

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learn green texting first you newfag

ive been lurking before your dad decided to rape your mom faggot

my mom is dead wtf

good for her for not witnessing such a disappointment of a son

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hey dude look im sorry i went to far

me too sorry for calling you a faggot

its ok we good

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ok now kiss you gay ass niggas

Haha that’ll be funny haha

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ahaha kiss me gently you are too sexy ahaha