Does anyone else have a piece of media that inspires them to work out? For me it's Dragon Ball Z...

Does anyone else have a piece of media that inspires them to work out? For me it's Dragon Ball Z, since the core philosophy of the show is to always challenge yourself.

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For me it's Little Einsteins, since the core philosophy of the show is to always challenge yourself.

For me its watching CNN, for to I like enjoy being a challenge youself.

wanna try that again?

>hit man trailer where he’s running in the snow
>fist of the North Star
>how heavy are the dumbbells that you lift
>old school 80s movies
Those are the ones off the top of my head

Based stroke poster

How does even attain movie/anime tier will?? The characters in those movies or shows show an autistic amount of will, they dedicate every second of their being to their craftsmanship or skill or whatever they're working on.

for me it's Sana

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Based ™

If any user wants any recs itt, I recommend My Hero Academia.
Literally Self Improvement: the show

>Number one hero was a loser who started off as a scrawny kid
>Got his gains stolen by a literal gains goblin
>Promotes self improvement and to use your talents to help those around you, very optimistic theme
>Lazy and degenerate people are looked down upon

It's up to S.4 right now and S.5 is coming out soon. It's crazy good.

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Cringed hard.
That anime sucks dick faggot. Deku is a beta faggot who cried all day. Literally has the most OP powers out of everyone and still managed to be a trash ass beta.

If you guys want an actual BASED AF anime, check out:
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hunter x Hunter
Kengan Ashura (on Netflix)

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That's because he's growing you retard.

okay, faggot

Based KenganChad


mans gone and said my hero academia unironically

yeah MHA gets you fucking hyped

Love me some DBZ.

Taxi Driver
Rocky I-IV
Enter The Dragon
Raging Bull

Ping pong animation

>Hunter x Hunter
Based taste my friend

Well obviously it’s a bit unrealistic but it’s not impossible, it’s called the champions mindset, you WILL MAKE IT it just means you’ve gotta train long and hard, it’s just a really good positive growth mindset

what's wrong with mha?

Troy - Director’s Cut
The Last Samurai
Blood Diamond
Tropa de Elite
Kingdom of Heaven - Director’s Cut
Daredevil (Netflix)
Fearless - Director's Cut
The Guardian
Blade Runner 2049

Probably more that I cant remember

For me it's Ricardo tiktoks

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si papi

>Yu Yu Hakusho
Based boomer. Beelzebub has a similar MC

Dios mio.

>Daredevil (Netflix)
>Blade Runner 2049

Confirmed based.

Honestly, there's a really fat youtuber/twitch streamer called wingsofredemption. He's always playing the victim and making excuses. He's like my 600 Lb life in that he scares/depresses me.

Violent porn I want to be the guy beating the woman