Is Greg right? Will HRT be considered a normal thing to do in a few years?

Is Greg right? Will HRT be considered a normal thing to do in a few years?

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Yeah. Everything transhumanism will be 100% normal in a few years.
Tattoos are considered normal. Aesthetic surgery. Piercings. Not long before we start seeing irl sci fi artificial limbs.

yes, it's huge profit for drug companies.

will an autistic traditional society emerge from all of this? not amish level but somewhat similar

HRT is normal in the niche roider communities because they all fucked their natural ability to produce hormones.

Why would this become normal outside of this niche faggot realm of degenerates?

can girls sense the insecurity of a man on HRT?

well most normies probably still think going on any form of test will shrink your nuts into raisins and make you get roid rage to the point of smashing your head through a wall, so no, probably not

Damn, I love masked girls bros.....

my test is 2000ngl/dl naturally

What? No. Why would that happen?

I would assume He's thinking the pendulum will swing back

That makes sense, the harder things swing one way the harder opposing forces will push.

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This. These fags want to convince you (and themselves) that trt is normal and entirely beneficial with no downsides when the reality is that only they need it because they've fucked they're hormones from steroid abuse, and the vast majority of men have adequate levels of naturally occurring testosterone right through old age.

Even if I am forced to become a tranny, I will not abandon my gains. Godspeed brothers

>forced to become a tranny
Take a break from Zig Forums. Get some fresh air. See the world for what it is. With your own eyes. Not through a computer screen.

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holy fucking cope batman
Imagine being scared of one of the most basic, well-studied hormones in the human body, imagine not wanting to stay strong for as long as possible and not being a useless sack of bones and fat like the average oldcel. It's not even a roider vs natty thing, it's using something that's cheap and effective to keep quality of life and sex drive high as possible, everybody with a brain knows that test decreases and SHBG grows as you age which is one of the worst parts of aging.

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Tattoos have been considered normal for thousands of years, they're not an indication of any kind of progression.

>Be me
>Wake up
>Take freezing cold shower because my Harlem slum doesn't have hot water
>Get dressed and go downstairs
>Drunk homeless black guy sleeping in hall, covered in piss
>Walk to subway, past the black israelites and their demonstration they have every morning
>"They stole jesus from us! We will never be free until we kill all the white people!"
>Pay MTA my increasing rate
>Watch 5 basketball Americans jump the turnstiles
>Train is late, because socialism I guess
>"Attention passengers, all packages are subject to random search by the police. Thank you, and have a ~safe~ day."
>During the course of my commute I watch a homeless man masturbating, and a woman use heroin
>Train gets sick because someone jumped in front of it fucking again
>Get to advanced statistics class (math major)
>Sit next to gross transgender nerd with MLP backpack
>"If you believe in God I don't want you in my class. The existence it God would disprove statistics, so if you're religious you're fucking stupid."
>Repeat subwayv ride back to apartment
>Grab some popeyes, purchased through inch thick glass, because black people

I could go on. This was almost a decade ago, I can't even imagine how much worse it's gotten. I will do everything I can to avoid liberal shitholes.

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1. You want your life to be a dystopic sci fi world and you the main character so fucking bad its cringe.

2. Thats not how the world is, you poor autist. Thats urban areas. Yeah they're like that. People with problems exist. Shitty people exist. And
3. Tell me when the fuck has the world been all sunshine and rainbows, snowflake.
Grow the fuck up. What, theres ugliness in the world? Wow what a fucking revelation. It will always be like that. Always. It has always been like that. Everything that people do is part of human nature. Its always been there and always will.
If you dont like to live in the very manifestation of human nature that is the city, where you can see everything from divine luxury to abysmal despair just work to move the fuck out.

Maybe stop watching so much anime, playing videogames and consuming shitty pseudointellectual stories and pick up a fucking book. Maybe youll gain the marvelous knowledge that ugliness has always existed. And cities, too. They usually go hand in hand.

Who said anything about progression?
I was talking about artificial modifications to the human body.

lol, or he could just not live with niggers

fucking finally

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You are the main character of your life.

I get what you're saying about human nature, but some places are worse than others, I bet the cities of Japan and parts of Europe are not as shitty as the ones in the US. Saying the world's shitty as well does not excuse one from fantasising of something better, it's what all humans do.

>Hey guys, the world's shitty, so just deal with it
you deserve to be gassed first

Where do you think you are

major cope

>Thats urban areas

White cities (inhabited by 100% western / northern europeans) do not have these problems. You think nigger city problems are normal? LOL

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detroit before niggers

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I don't see any piss covered heroin addicts shooting up or plexiglass covering all money handling businesses. Hmmmmmm

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I wonder what happened to this city. It used to be a global center for industry and prosperity! What could have happened??

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