Is it bad? My family is Irish and I have two sisters. One is pasty as hell, like literally the color white. She's into Korean beauty so she avoids the sun and uses a ton of sunscreen when she has to go outside.
My other sister is two years older, but looks 10 years older and is addicted to tanning, so her skin looks really bronze but kind of fucked.
I think I'm a good in between.
Can you get physically sick from avoiding the sun, just as you would from burning in it?
Which one is ideal/better looking?
Tanning vs embracing paleness?
i find pale girls absolutely disgusting
i always loved olive skinned girls
But me im Algerian and im pale as fuck and i tan very great with a great bronze skin tone if i go to the beach
Power gap
I always preferred pale skin by a long shot over tanned skin. The habit of tanning is also correlated with being a vapid thot, so there's that.
>physically sick from avoiding the sun
Vitamin D deficiency is a real thing and not very fun. Also a lack of sunlight will do strange and not very nice things to your head.
I like women with skin from very pale through to a nice natural tan.
A tan lasts for a few weeks.
Skin aging lasts a lifetime.
pic unrelated
white people don't get vitamin d deficiency as much as non-whites. pale skin protects you.
It's really subjective. In my case for example, I love olive kissed skin (Greek, Brazilian, etc.) but not gold brown or nightshade (Indian, African). Pure white skin with *pink accents* (Polish, Irish etc.) but not trailer garbagio eggshell with cellulite (rural middle America)
To be objective, take care of your skin, moisturize, and tan slowly if you'd like. Don't go overboard
I think pale is the best looking skin colour honestly. Not really the Asian pale though it seems artificial there