New addition to the home gym. How has your home gym grown user?
Home Gym Progress Thread
Just planned it out, looking into what gear to buy. There's no used stuff near me and the only place accepting orders from Canada is Rogue. A little pricey but I might just bite the bullet and get some premium shit.
I just try to buy things that are useful.
After the 1st initial build out ($3000 full squat rack, bench, flooring) I try to spend about $100+ every few months.
most recent was gymnast rings for body weight stuff like dips, body weight rows.. works pretty good.
The one I didnt think I would use but ended up using all the time is the surgical tubing resistance bands... honestly this is one of the better purchases I have made for fitness.
Next I think is probably a TV I can cast to, or maybe speakers
make sure you check your ceiling heights to make sure your rack will fit if you go that route, and also for your OHP... I have to do mine seated cause I would slam the weight through the ceiling if I did it standing.
My home gym :}
All I need is those all 5-50lb weights in 1 DB and I'll be set. Of course, a squat rack and deadlift platform would be goat, but it's too pricy rn, bulky, and inconvenient to store in my apt.
I have a half put together power rack strung out in parts that's been like that for months, foam squares stacked all over the place some of which I use to keep my AC from falling over, and a bench that also needs put together. I keep telling myself I'll put it all together once I buy plates, which I have the money for but just haven't looked into, but I keep stalling because the world if fucked and god is dead and it all makes me want to kill myself. Considering buying a gun and armor rather than finishing my gym. That's the truth.
Started it post-corona, but my parents had a bunch of standard barbell weights and a shitty 1" barbell. Pic related is my "adapter" for my new olympic bar, for which I managed to get 2 100's for $100 each
Yeah I measured the ceiling, it's 8ft and I'm king of manlets 5'11" so it probably depends on the height of the platform if I will hit the ceiling. Barefoot at max extension the bar gets to ~86" (rounding up). Half the diameter of a standard barbell plate is 8.85827" which means with one rubber 3/4" mat I'll be at about 95.6" at full extension.
So just barely have room but I think the deadlift platform is out of the picture. Will probably have to get some of those noise pads and lift off them.
For the rack, looking at the 90" version of the SML-2 halfrack from rogue. It goes up to 92" & change, so no worries about that clearing it.
Mirin the simplicity
That's one word for it, my man.
You know what maybe I just pick up a bunch of 25's instead specifically to train OHP
Glad you did your homework.
For my flooring I have concrete, then carpet, then 2 sheets of plywood and finally a 3/4inch horse stall mat. I can drop weights and do stupid stuff without worry. I was screwed for ceiling height way before that though.
That could work too, couple extra 10s and 5s are actually really useful too
This thread has motivated me to put this stupid thing together. I am depressed and if I don't do it now I'll put it off again.
Keep going user the payoff is great
I hope this would apply to you, but when I put together something with my own two hands, I feel this sense of pride and accomplishment, the same as hitting new PRs.
I’ve felt the same way you have; what helped me get out was looking at something that had to get done and just jumping right in, devote 100% to it until it was done.
OP here, I’m glad to see this friend. When you’re done, post it here, we wanna see it
your place is a fucking dump, clean ur shit. U got cat piss bottles next to your weights. Prolly a disgusting hoarder or some shit.
t. dairy-free and plant-based protein
It's only a matter of time before this snaps during a rerack
>t. increasingly dangerous man
fuck breh looks like a deathtrap to me
i got pic related based on recommendations from lord scooby and hosstile and the fucking green and blue bands are no joke, especially if you double them up
My guess is either the j-hooks or where the bench connects to the rack going first. Either way it's going right on your face lmao. Best of luck
This is all you need to become a man
Yeah but say you wanted to pick up a 140kg block, how would you train for that, being and and all?
It hasn't.
1 bench
1 bar
1 ez
2x 45
2x 25
3x 10
2x 2.5
St dumbells
2x 10
4x 5
I'll probably add Olympic rings in the future.
Being a man and all*
I call it 'guy heaven'
I got this so far.
Eventually I'll get more plates but what I have is good enough for now.
Thinking of just aesthetics and not to sure how to go with that.
dont mean to be that guy but where do i find weights? online costs a fucking arm and a leg
Craigslist, garage sale, ebay.