>Toronto not ready for phase 2
Toronto not ready for phase 2
>Disease killing weak people with weak immune systems
>Close the thing that helps people build strength
>not having a home gym
honestly been considering taking my weights to the park for a workout at trinity bellwoods
I live in a 700sqft apartment like every other retard in this city
accept this new normal, fags. Welcome to the dystopian future everyone talked about.
Lmao imagine living in some urban hellhole where you don't have room for a home gym
with 900, I have a squat stand, 180kg in weight, and room for some other equipment
check out spartan fitness, fitness depot, flamman, and treadmill factory. they all have stuff for sale, and do preorders. also, squat racks canada just opened up stuff for sale online.
>Reselling rogue racks at a premium
would rather just buy direct
You deserve your suffering
The same rack at rogue is the same price and out of stock. If you want to be poor, that's fine too.
What a rich nigga you are. I live in a 400.
TFW live in Texas. Been able to lift since mid-May.
NH here
My gym basically said fuck that shit, and we've been in speakeasy mode ever since
Literally haven't missed a workout this entire time
Fuck Toronto.
Fuck the pajeets, towelheads, and yellow niggers that this piece of shit city is crawling with.
Imagine Canada razed the fucking white house once, now all it razes is the future of white natives.
dangerously based post
GUys I feel so cucked. I still had a month left of CERB but my boss said if I don't come back to work now he can't guarantee the job will be there in a month. So I went to work and before the work day was even over they announced CERB extensions. I don't even make $2000 a month with a full 40 hour work week, and I don't even work 40 hour weeks most of the time. Is there a way to undo my going back to work. How do I become eligible for CERB again. Can I fake getting covid? How serious is the CRA about CERB fraud? I'm gonna fucking kms.
They printed a shitload of money, once inflation hits they're going to claw money back and the prime targets are going to be cerb frauders lmao
>tfw gyms opened up in your natal country but you're stuck in the UK without gym bcs of uni and now can't go back home since there are no flights
>tfw make double that and work less than 40 hours a week (from home)
How can you be poor
bahahaha it was actually the british who burned the white house. I hate that false meme. canada has and always will be cucked and worthless.
t. self loathing canadian
Imagine watching mass gatherings of millions of people on tv then the government tells you it's too dangerous to go to the gym lol
You would have to be a complete NPC retard to be taking "covid" seriously anymore
based and realitypilled.
if you still believe in caroni macaroni I despise you automatically
lol get fucked ranjeet
Meanwhile people have been using the playgrounds alone to get fit
You realize that progressives are never going to let quarantine end unless you force their hand, right? This entire scenario is a wet-dream for them.
>tfw texas and my gym never closed to begin with
The cops really didn't give a shit here.