does anybody care anymore edition
>What is olympic weightlifting? Olympic weightlifting is a sport focusing on two main movements, the Snatch and the Clean and jerk; and the various assistance workouts related to them. It is concerned with mobility, explosiveness and balance rather than only raw strength.
>Recommended introduction to oly lifting for /web/20150123005535/
>If you are new to /owg/ please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking /1HgVcGam (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) /wCXeXfkk (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) /2013/07/how-into-weightlifting.html /r/weightlifting/wiki/faq /doc/technical.pdf / /chinese-weightlifting-blog/
The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links. That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.
Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or /channel/UCl3WCm2GfvLxvH877oJ1xEA/playlists
Attached: Dmitry-Klokov.jpg (620x349, 95.05K)
June 16, 2020 - 23:17
Nobody cares about oly lifting
June 16, 2020 - 23:18
what do you guys think of wulift? by which i obviously mean would you fuck her
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June 16, 2020 - 23:27
Based klokov poster
Attached: klokov.jpg (680x601, 92.33K)
June 16, 2020 - 23:41
wish he posted more videos but its mostly of competition stuff he hosts, plus its almsot all in russian
June 16, 2020 - 23:42
I’m afraid of how much gains I lost during the pandemic. I had a 80kg snatch after 6 months of training but now it must be at least 20kg less :(
June 16, 2020 - 23:49
i had hit around a 130 clean and jerk before the gyms shut down and now im about 3 weeks back into lifting and im right there again. wasnt so bad man
June 16, 2020 - 23:51